
What Are Some Good Reasons To Become A Teacher?

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Especially in reference to college teaching because that is what I am thinking about. Thanks.




  1. June, July & August!  Of course that won't work if you teach summer school.  Teachers do have the benefit of being home with their children on most school holidays, easter break, christmas break, summer vacation, etc.  Also teachers have a fairly good pension plan if they teach enough years.  College teachers are pretty well paid and the position is pretty secure with tenure.  If you teach college, most of your students are there because they want to learn--more mature. It's a respectable position.

  2. Long holidays, good pay and the satisfaction of giving people an education!

  3. Beyond the obvious, which is having a considerable impact on the minds of tomorrow, you'll always have the feeling of making a difference. Nothing wrong with office jobs, just being a teacher you can really make a difference in how people see the world, which can really make a positive change. Being a college teacher, is no different.

    You'll still have your frustration moments: long hours, demanding students, stuffy faculty members. Just remain focused and you'll do fine. Hope this helps.  

  4. Watch Dead Poets Society & Good Will Hunting for a start.

    A chance to subvert the system-make a difference.

  5. The ONLY reason to become a teacher is because you love interacting with young people, and sharing knowledge with them.  It's for a love of teaching.  NOT for June, July, and August (if you're lucky...lots of us teach through June, and start back in August).

    Remember, too, that there are other things involved in a college teaching job.  You're going to have to establish yourself as a scholar, and be active in your professional field.  This means presenting at conferences, publishing articles, etc.  And you'll have the joy of serving on millions of seemingly pointless committees.  Joy.

    But if you love teaching, then do it.  If you don't love teaching, then do something else.  The world has enough passion-less teachers...

    [whoever above said that teaching is not a full day job, and that you only create lesson plans in your first year has NO CLUE what s/he's talking about!!!]

  6. well you'll have a chance to teach others especially young people about different kinds of things!!!  

  7. College teaching if you do not like working with students is a much better choice. I have done both and I am now teaching in a secondary school. Community college sparked my teaching interest in many ways. One being that you teaching a certain number of units and when you go over them, you can bank them for time off or get paid on them. I had one friend who banked enough to take 3 years off with pay.

    You also teach students who really want to be there. Therefore, the quality of students are better and more eager to learn. It also establishes more of a professional environment as opposed to calling home, issuing detentions and sending them to the office for behavioral issues.  

  8. The satisfaction of punishing students :P

    Just Kidding! Well you do the hardest work only for the first year because that is the only year in which you create your lessons.

    Other than that it's not a full day job and you get the summer holidays.

    Good Luck!

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