
What Are Some Of The Visual Effects Of Global Warming And Climate Change?

by Guest64300  |  earlier

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I Know We Have Ice Glaciers Melting But Are There Anymore Visual Effects As A Result Of Climate Change And Global Warming?






  1. Most common and visible experiences are: Temperature has gone up. Who could imagine people in the UK buying fans in the summer. I don't remember exactly, but companies like Argos and Halfords has been able to increase their business by selling more fans. Also, demand for aircon is increasing.

    Hose pipe ban is an another example. This is because of reduction in water level. Also, weather pattern is changing a lot. Winter is becoming mild and summer - too hot. Wet summer is some thing that was not talked about few years back.

  2. Monsoon rain, Doght in some parts of the world.

    melting icecaps.

  3. Putting natural disasters and weather aside since they're not a result of global warming, there are no visual effects to see.  And there never will be because global warming isn't real.

  4. Huge increases in desertification of parts of Asia and changes in kinds of animals, insects etc that we, in the UK will see spreading north as the temperatures increase. Apparently, this is already documented.

  5. How many scientists have been put out of a job for proving this one! Its a fact that we choose to ignore, some say its all happened before and that its a part of 'the cycle' I say prove it!

  6. Visual effects are horribly misleading - they won't tell you if there is a man-made crisis or not.

    The Earth has been violently, radically changing long before humans were around.

  7. The bees are going, the weather is milder, there are no more ladybirds.

    The sparrows are disappearing, there are no cold winters anymore and storms are more frequent. It is sad to see the Earth die.

  8. The FACT that the majority of  glaciers aren't retreating is never doesn't fit with the doom and gloom. Lets just pick on the ones that are and do a quick release for the news channels.

    mmmm..Apparently, this is already documented...Where i might ask?..i would love to be able to read the proven facts for myself.

    ...storms are more frequent.. Which storms? Hurricans are less prevalent and not as strong as those of the you must mean some localised event that only you know of.

    ...a few years back!!!  Were talking about the earths weather system that has been going for slightly longer than "a few years back". Its been hotter, colder, wetter and drier than it is every place in the world at some time...a few more years back.

    and Rachel, that manages to see Global Warming and Climate Change with "her own eyes"...WoW!! give that girl a nobel prize...she can see things we can't.

  9. yeah, i haven't thought of it before until recently i found out that there's actuall a thing called visual pollution, that because of the lights in the streets, the cars' lights, we don't see anymore the beauty of the night sky, the moon, stars and constellations, and fog also contibute to this fact. we're just too busy partying around to appreciate what's "fun" is all about.

  10. Some could say the long, wide tornado path through NH is one visual effect.   I've never heard of a large tornado in NH before this year.

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