
What Are Some of the Pros and Cons Of working with your children (in daycare)?

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I have my daughter enrolled in a preschool/daycare and I can't help to notice that she could be cared for better. So now I am searching for daycares (family care) where I could work in with my daughter enrolled.

I am not sure if this is a good idea or not. What do you parents think? Pros or Cons?

I do not want to put her into a daycare but if I had no choice, I would prefer to have her in the same daycare that I worked in and in the same classroom.




  1. just keep in mind having a place where she can go and you are not there will help teach her to be independent if you are in there she will go to you to tie her shoes and do things for her that might just allow her to not learn things as fast since she would look to you to do them for her if you are not there she has to do them her self and she would be more willing ot play with other children than just be around you. i think having time away from you will be good for her  if you are worried about the level of care talk to the care giver and tell them your concerns. and also if i were to work in a day care with my kids i would be scared that i would not be doing my job as well cause i would keep an eye on my kids more than others just because of my mothering instinct . if you insist how about working in a daycare where she is but insuring you are not in her class that way you are close by and can check on her but she will still get the Independence that she needs and you can focus on working. and you will know the people she is with all day and how the daycare runs its facility and will be at ease more about her being under others care  

  2. I would talk to your boss and find out what the policies are. in our preschool parents cannot have their child in the same room with them. however if there is no policy like that then consider what your parents would say if they found out that you had your child placed in the same room as you.

    personally I don't think its a good idea to have her in the same room. maybe in the same daycare center but not the same room. she needs to create her own identity without parents around, she needs to experience a wide range of adults and peers in different situations and then you are always biased in behavioral issues that would not be fair to the other children. of course that's my opinion but good luck

  3. If you are going to send her to day care then you need to allow your daughter some independence to forge her own identity with her peers. In addition there's a conflict of interest having you both in the same class. Although you can claim to be fair and unbiased, all parents under certain circumstances will favour their child.

  4. I believe that when your children are with you whether it be at work or at home, they always are better off. If you can find a daycare and get a job the same place your child will be then good for you!

  5. There is NO CON, are you serious, daycares are the worse for kids, Im sure she isnt being taken cared of properly, YOUR HER MOTHER< GET THE JOB AT THE DAYCARE AND TAKE CARE OF HER LIKE A MOTHER IS SUPPOSED TO!  

  6. You will always believe that you can do a better job of taking care of your child than anyone else.  If you do get a job at the same day care, you will probably not be allowed to work in the same classroom because of favortism.

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