
What Are The Advantages/Disadvantages Of A Square Blade And What Are The Advantages/Disadvantages Of A Round

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Ive Always Used Round Toe Blades And Today I Purchased A Square Toe Blade And Just Wanted To Find Out Some Info. About Them.





  1. Almost nothing. To me anyway. A square blade has more surface on the ice. Handling a puck in closer to your feet would be an advantage with a rounded toe. Use both types and figure out which is working for you better. It's a matter of personal preference. Even if you feel the only difference between the 2 types is you get lucky with one or the other, go with it.

  2. square toe is much better at digging out of the corners round toe is a little bit better for toe drags and such but like the person said above me it is really all PP you are not playing at a high enough level to even worry about that.  

  3. A square blade is great for pulling the puck along the boards while a round blade is better for stickhandling in tight to your feet.

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