
What Are The Best 5.1 speakers for ps3?

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So I've decided the TV speakers are too weedy for my full HD set up, so I'm after a nice 5.1 speaker system to accompany my ps3, they have certain criteria that must be met;

Over 50 watts (this is obvious)

Output HDMI ( could be optical aswell)

Speakers wall mountable...

I was looking at a £200 Sony Job, but that was home theatre and came with a DVD player, which I don't need. I've been looking, but not many manufacturers have Console specific products, huge gap in the market.

Any help much appreciated.




  1. Well PS3 supports 7.1 surround sound (as do Blu-ray discs)

    getting one with optical cable would be best, as the HDMI will be used for your TV.

    have a look on Cnet for some decent reviews. however dont expect any surround sound kits to be marketed for Consoels as its a very small market compared ot DVD/Blu ray players.

    dont go wiht a "Virtual" surround sound set up as they gnereally do knowehre near as good a job, and msot require you to sit in a psecifc spot to get the full effect.

  2. Try finding Bose system. I doubt, that you'll buy a new one for that amount money, but even a second hand will do the right job - one of the best brands in the world.

  3. how about logitech z-5500 really nice speakers!!

    They have optical output and wireless remote and all the other things you can ask for.

    z-5500s are high end gaming speakers that put out some serious power just look on youtube or search google and you shall soon find out

    On the box of these logitech speakers they mark: for pc, playstation, xbox, mp3 and cd players.

    so they are perfect for you ! you wont be disappointed  

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