
What Are The Best Foods To Eat When You Want To Be Sober?

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What Are The Best Foods To Eat When You Want To Be Sober?




  1. i hear bread is good

  2. Anything that contains no acholhol.I suggest healthy meals that are at least three isles away from the beer,  

  3. Bread  

  4. Depends if you want to eat before or after you go out - If you want to stay reasonably sober throughout the session eat Pasta beforehand (it will fill you up and your booze intake wont be as much)

    If you want food after you've already got to that happy wobbly time of the night where no pain is being felt I would suggest that you can eat ANYTHING you jolly well like - it won't make a blind bit of difference

    ( although I find that either Kebab - greasier the better - or alternatively, cold Pizza in the morning is usually a triffic way to finish the night off!!) Hope this helps - happy wobbling !!

  5. chicken

  6. rice cakes

  7. burger with bacon cheese and mashed potatoes on it

  8. Lots of starch. Bread's the classic ("soaks up the alcohol"), but there's many reasons bars sell crisps and peanuts. As well at the salt making you feel thirstier, it also slows down the rate that you absorb alcohol, meaning you feel less drunk, meaning that you buy more drinks in order to reach a suitably drunken state.

  9. if you have been out on the lash make sure you drink as much water as you can before you go to bed because that will cleanse you body through. if you still feel bad have a fry up a loads of coffee

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