
What Are The Judges Looking For?

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I am showing at the Quarter Horse Congress next year in Hunter Under Saddle and I would like to know what are the things they look for? I know they all have different opinions but overall what should I be working on?

And also do the prefer any colors in HUS? because I will most likely be showing a Buckskin, but only if we buy the horse.





    AQHA world show.....

    Nothing better than a video to demonstrate what HUS judges are looking for....a horse that swings it's shoulder and gives a "daisy cutter" effect as it moves, steps up with impulsion from behind, carries itself in a proper frame with much forward motion.   AQHAers still do not ride with a lot of mouth contact on their english horses...bothers me as it wrecks their picture and offers a horse a way to drop out from behind.  

    This video is long however some excellent HUS horses are being shown .... should give you a pretty good idea of whats being shown and what the judges favor.....good luck.

  2. Sovereign is the one who we all go to for questions like this......very very experienced and has the advice and credentials to back it up. I would trust this person with any question I had about showing and performing at a national level show.

  3. I don't think that the judges have a preferance about the color of the horse. They can't, really, because the rider doesn't control the color of their horse.

    A lot of times they look for a forward moving, active horse, who is also calm and sensible and listens to the rider. You don't want to show what your doing with your legs or hands, so try to keep your aids as subtle as possible - make it look like your not doing anything, basically.

  4. I really can't add much that hasn't already been said here about what the judsge look for other than to tell you go to as many AQHA shows as you can before hand to get a feel for what they want to see.  Nothing beats first hand experience.  Every judge is a little different and will notice different things.  One of the most important things to remember is to have a horse who is obedient and happy to be in the ring.

    Color is not a huge factor in my opinion, however in a class of 20 bay horses, a grey, buckskin or a sorrel will really stand out, which is great if you and your horse are doing really good, but bad if you are not.

    Good luck!!!  And maybe I will see you there sometime!

  5. What the judges are looking for is not something that anyone can answer other than them especially since you are looking at Congress here. It is the judges opinion entirely that means the difference between first and last place. Showing QHs at that level is political which means that you have to pay the bucks to be in the top as rarely anyone else will be in there unless they are with "this trainer" or "that trainer". Horse color does sometimes mean the difference between two tight horse placings (judges preference), but again it is not something that is a determining factor between first and last place either.

    It is ashame that showing has gotten so political. I boycotted showing for a year just because of how bad it had gotten in my area. I refused to show, even though I loved it, as I watched people who clearly should be last come in first because they were with "this trainer". As a judge, I have seen it happen in other rings, but I am not guilty of doing it myself. I truly stand behind the most correct horse for the class wins and so on.

    For AQHA Hunter Under Saddle they should be looking for the horse that is a pleasure to ride, the best manners, the best gaits, the best transitions, and that most appears that they could be out in the hunt field covering ground. That means that the striding should be long and free moving (which does not mean fast- there is a difference between length and speed) and the horse should look the part. That is why most AQHA HUS horses are appendix or very TB looking as they appear to fit in better into the hunt field rather than a foundation breed stock type horse.

    I would recommend getting some things from AQHA and their website. The first would be the rule book for AQHA which has the class specifications for every class. That way you can read exactly what they are supposed to be looking for, the way that the class is judged, and so on. The second would be to get all of the HUS videos from AQHA on judging and showing so that you understand and can see with your own eyes how the class should be ridden and judged. The third is to search for videos on a site like youtube by looking for congress hunter under saddle. That should bring up some home videos of horses in the class. Try to find your specific division like novice, youth, etc.

    After you look at all of the information and videos, you will have a clearer understanding of what they are looking for. Then you need to practice as much as you can in order to get ready by October. Even if you are not with "this trainer" you can have a chance if you are completely flawless in your showing. It can be done. I did it without being with "this trainer" when I was a child training and showing my own horses and clients horses, and I believe that anyone who has the desire and the belief that they can do will do it and be rewarded for their efforts.

    Best of luck to you and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot. Showing is not about beating this person or that person, it is about setting your personal goals for you and your horse and succeeding at accomplishing those goals. If your goals are accomplished then you have won the class even if you do come in last place. First place does not mean that you are the winner in the class as there is only one blue ribbon but there are always many more winners.

  6. remember 2 keep ur heels down while u r jumping.also keep ur back straight!!don't forget t give and also don't forget the course.i have seen tht before not tht pretty=)

    another thing is it doesn't matter what color ur horse is u can't control it

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