
What Are The Keys To Reducing Poverty?

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What Are The Keys To Reducing Poverty?




  1. 1-reducing the world population.

    2-no mega wealthy people.

    3-all living on the same salaries worldwide.

    4-no profit making .

    5-no religion.6

    6-a world war.

    7-no oil.

    8-reducing the working hours.

    9-putting family first,not business.

    10-getting back to reality.

  2. Poverty is relative.  The solution depends upon where in the world you are considering.  There is very little real poverty in Britain, it is envy of people with more consumer goods that makes people feel poor.  The rising cost of fuel will soon create a new layer of poverty though.

  3. investment, invest in projects within the impoverish community like a school, hospital and maybe some form of fare Enterprise.

  4. Rich people parting with some of the worlds wealth.


    Better housing

    Clean water

    Less population

    Vaccines and medical help

    More opportunity to earn

    Sending prisoners to build housing in 3rd world

    'One child' rule that worked in China, may work in African countries to reduce the AIDS/HIV epidemic and also the population, for a generation or two.

  5. The causes of poverty are increase in population and lack of education and unemplyment.

    If the above 2 factors are given consideration, the result would be a definite reduction in poverty.

  6. abolish the television

  7. I agree with Joker, there must be a reduction in world population.

    But that, of course, ain't gonna happen.

    We are so determined for longevity of life, preserving life at whatever cost & as usual no long term overview.

    Let's face it, poverty will never be illiminated, it's a pipe dream.

    But of course I'm just a fully paid up member of the sceptics society, lol.

  8. condom's.

  9. 1. a massive reduction in the world's population

    2. a massive reduction in the world's population

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