
What Are The Procedures Surrounding WARRANT ENFORCEMENT ...?

by Guest57158  |  earlier

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Do officers go looking for the person? Do they pick the person up only if it comes up in the system if they are caught doing something else?

Or does each case vary?




  1. They will actively search for the person in question, but if its not a violence related warrant then they don't search that hard.

  2. Its different everywhere. Some departments have units specifically set up just to apprehend people with warrants.

    At my department, patrol officers print out a list of warrant holders in our area and we just go pick them up.  Mostly though, those people have moved, are on the run, and we just randomly come across them during car and ped stops.  We hunt the violent ones with our SWAT team.

  3. Depends on many factors.  My department has an Aprehension Unit that does nothing but actively look for people with warrants.  Sometimes patrol officers have the time to do that, but usually they are working traffic.

    Certain times Aprehension will get extra officers and do a sweep, looking for warrants in a certain area.

    Also can depend on what the warrant is for!

  4. throw in a flash grenade .bust down the door .shoot your dog .beat you up or kill you.  steal the three joints you had on coffee table .steal all your money claim it was proceeds from drug dealing .haul you off to jail .then go back to police station smoke your weed and look for next victims

  5. Arrest warrants usually go back to the agency and officer who investigated the crime and they will look for and try to serve the offender with the warrant.  If unsuccessful, in a serious case there may be a wider, more intensive search started but in most cases the warrant will sit and wait for the offender to surface.  Much of good law enforcement is geared to the stupidity of criminals and it works.

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