
What Are The Signs of Computer Hacking?

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What Are The Signs of Computer Hacking?




  1. Thing will start to change on your computer such as your setting and personal info

  2. ur computer will be acting seriously weird i mean like things will close automatically and then open again whenever they want and it mostly depends at what level the hacker is at. and also u might see that u cant view hidden files anymore

  3. That is very vague, but I think I can help. ;-)

    Check this site:

    If that doesn't help, then check here:

    Now, if you want, I might have something you can try...

    Go to Run... on your computer and type cmd.exe (only for Windowz)

    If you have a different operations system, then open up the terminal, or command prompt. If you don't know where to find Run... and you have Windowz, then go to Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> Command Prompt.

    Once you are in the command prompt/terminal type this:

    netstat -a

    This is going to show a bunch of stuff (most likely). It may not seem like anything to you, but it can tell you if someone is in your computer.

    It should have listed a bunch of names and numbers and what not.

    What you are looking for is under Foreign Address (in Windowz, the third column in.). Now, don't pay attention to the names, look at the number after the colon. For example:


    Now, if you have anything there that has a very high number (the highest is 65535. If there is something in like the 60,000's then it is probably a Trojan and someone is hacking into your computer. Or through your computer to another. If this is so, then get a good antivirus. Norton is not good! Get AVG or Kaspersky. Then scan. I hope that you don't find anything, for your sake.

    If you would like to talk more on ways to speed up your computer, you can email me at or on AIM: LorgonJortle

    Good luck,


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