
What Are Your Darling Children Made Of?

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My Boys

Dirt and Sweat,

Scabs and Sores.

Courage & Determination,

Bravery with a splash of Stupidity.

Mixed all together with some

Love & Warmth -

Hugs & Kisses

And that's my boys ;)

What Are Your Kids Made Of???




  1. My twin boys are made of...

    Grit and determination

    Kisses and cuddles

    Imagination and play

    Bravery and loyalty

    Attitude and defiance

    And most of all love

  2. My girls...

    Smiles and happiness

    Laughs and fun

    Ballet and Dancing skills (3 of my girls take ballet :])

    Drama and tears (sometimes*)

    Bravery and optimism

    Brains and beauty

    Kisses and Hugs ♥

    My boys...Hmm, how do I describe them??? LOL

    Fearless and daring

    Kind and sweet

    Love for animals and their sisters

    Lack of sharing abilites (LOL)

    Bravery and courage

    Strength and scabs

    Piano and and tree climbing skills



  3. im the kid! =D

  4. My oldest:

    Intellengence, attitude, perfectionism, fashion sense, socialism, laughter, sloppiness, empathy, stubborness, cuddles and love.

    My youngest:

    Common sense, musical ability, sense of humor, *major* attitude and take no prisoner stance, animal sensitivity, a bit of sore loserness (lol), and love.

    Sprinkle on a bit of diva and tons of kisses with a topping of friendliness and there ya go!

  5. Right now she is made of: age 11 soon to be 12

    Attitude, Thinking she knows best, and mom is stupid.

    Confidence, dependant(or thinks she should be), style, flare.

    The love of music,love of animals and the since of fun. She is also full of hormones, and Beauty

    She used to be made of: before age of 11

    Sugar and spice and every thing nice(ha ha) but love and yes mamas and no mamas, respect, full of doing what she was told, sweet kiss and warm cuddley hugs. Love of animals and love of music. and Beauty

  6. Snips and snails and puppy dog tails

    That's what my little boys are made of

    Sugar and spice and everything nice

    Is what they would be made of if they were girls

    Edit: Thumbs down for an old nursery rhyme, come on people, haven't any of  you heard of it:

    What are little boys made of?

    Snips and snails and puppy dog tails;

    That's what little boys are made of.

    What are little girls made of?

    Sugar and spice and everything nice;

    That's what little girls are made of.

  7. Well they certainly do know how to burp (& f**t) & the oldest can burp the alphabet! - & the oldest is a GIRL! haha

    All full of loving, kisses, hugs, sweetness, caring, big hearts, fragility, sillyness, roughness, bruises (of course) courage, & of course humour - in particular toilet humour lol (wonder who they got it from? haha) & they all love their mum.

  8. kids made of machines.

  9. My Boys

    Dollops of daring

    Pounds of playfulness

    Heaps of humour

    Chunks of cheekiness

    Lashings of laughter

    Gallons of grime

    Buckets of baffling behaviour

    Cups of creativity

    Lots of love


    immeasureable individuality

    Aww bless......... :)

  10. h**l Spawn

  11. My Girls,

    Flour and Icing

    Ribbons and Bows

    Vanity and Beauty

    Confidence and sometimes a little too much so

    The best cuddles ever

    "butterfly' and eskimo kisses

  12. love and passion

    fear and trust

    hugs and kisses

    and hair that's a muss

    attitude and compassion

    joy and tears

    sweetness  and contentment

    are my babies for all my years

  13. My kids are made up what ever makes me want to smack them and hug them all at the same time.

    I love my frustrating little angels.

  14. My son is made of wit, humor, energy (man oh man), patience, sweat, belly laughs, independence, loyalty, devotion, charm, a little self consciousness, happiness, insatiable hunger, and rather impressive flatulence.  

    My daughter is made of strength, stubborness, imagination, incredible courage, music, more than her share of boogers, compassion, influence, a love for learning, friendship, pride, determination, and I think Reeses peanut butter cups.

  15. At the moment germs and snot.

    My son has had the flu and now a cold and Upper respiratory tract infection. And my daughter a cold and the U.R.T.I. Fed up with illness. My son has been off school since Friday and my daughter is on her second day. I am sure they are made up of more things but lack of sleep from giving panadol and neurophen all night (of course at different times lol) and calls of MUMMMMMMMMMM have left me brain dead. Off to answer the lastest MUMMMMMMMM, can I have a sandwich. Think I need coffee

    thanks, nah no dye just thought I would make my avatar brown as I am more brunette in winter than blonde. Fed up with the hat. Can you tell I have been housebound lol....too much time on my hands

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