
What Are the 4 Ways In Locating A Country In A Map?

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What are the ways in locating a country on a map?




  1. 1. By the color. If the map is colored, then no two adjacent countries have the same color.

    2. By its location and border countries and bodies of water. For example, US is surrounded by Canada, Pacific Ocean, Mexico and Alantic Ocean.  

    3. By the boundary and shape. If it's a blank map, we can identify a country by its unique boundary and shape. For example, Italy looks like a boot, China looks like a rooster, and two Koreas look like a rabit that is pulled out from the hat by a magician.

    4. By its geographical features, man-made features and political divisions. This is like #2, but these features could be in the interior of the country than as border features. For example, Mississippi River you think of US, Great Wall you think of China, London you think of England. Great Voice you think of Katherine McPhee.

    I hope these are the 4 ways.

  2. Hmm.... Im going out on a limb here so dont quote me on this, but I do believe the answer is in your textbook.

  3. How about these 4 ways

    1) color code - sometimes they are colored differently

    2) printed name of country - just search for the name

    3) latitude and longitude

    4) index/key/legend/grid system - some maps may grid - one side has numbers and along the bottom may be letters - just match the letter and number and where they meet is the place

  4. u can also find by the lattitude and longitude extend of that country

  5. Do you own homework.

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