
What Are the Symptoms of Worms in Cats?

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I have three cats and one of them for some reason finds the need to sit and pull himself across the carpet on his butt. I have no clue why he does this but one of the fist things that popped in my head was worms.




  1. well it could just be the fact that he is a male cat :D but usually he is marking his area when rubbing his butt on the carpet but the most common sign of worms is when you find little worms crawling around in his p**p, this might be gross but it's the only way to find out, you probably have to cut open his p**p to see if he has worms or not because worms aren't really on the outside of poo because 1.) there is litter covering it all 2.) it's like an earth worm you don't really find the earth room on the surface of the ground, you gotta dig deep to find them

  2. It sounds like he has tape worms and when they crawl out of his butt it makes his butt itch.  Look for a little white maggot size critter on his butt or on the carpet after he drags himself on the floor.  A vet will have to diagnose him for sure and he will need to be weighed to ensure he gets the proper dosage for his size.  Other signs are: bloated stomach and little weight gain although he is eating all the time.

  3. usually they will have an extended belly and when you look under their tail, you will see worms. The other reason he may be doing this is expressing his anal glands. They should be cleared out when he poops but sometimes it doesn't always come out, hence, they slide on their bottoms across the floor. If they are doing this ona daily basis, get them to a vet to have them checked out for both.

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