
What Are the drawbacks of oil?

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its for a report cant find the info




  1. …

    burning fossil fuels (oil) generates air pollutants including carbon dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide and Trioxide and Nitrogen Oxides. ... and a bunch or other stuff...  see link 1 ...  

    while Oil is not inherently bad.  

    We just use too much of it…  to sum it up, reckless and unnecessary consumption...  we have the technology availble to us and we the consumer must beging to make better choices  for our  energy needs, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass that provide long-term sustainable solutions for the world's energy needs with minimal impacts on the environment.  ...  see link 2

  2. The only drawback I can think of is special interests groups bringing class action law suits against drilling.

    Oil is beautiful.

  3. and to add to JoeCool's answer, oil allowed for the massive overpopulation of humans on the planet.

  4. You can't find information about the negative aspects of oil use? really?

    Where did you look?

    *It is a finite resource

    *It concentrates power in the hands of an elite few

    *often the people who control it are not the type of people you want controlling your life

    *it creates pollution both in the harvesting and the using of it

    *we have become completely dependent on it

  5. 99% of the resources are among them is oil....

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