
What Baby Items Do I Really Need?

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There is an ocean of 'must-have' baby items out there but which ones do you really need for a newborn? I don't want to go out shopping the first few weeks but I also want to avoid buying unnecessary items.




  1. Depends on how "bare bones" you really want to go.  Here are some absolute must haves:

    Rear-facing car seat!! (They wont let you go home from the hospital unless you have one AND it is installed correctly!)

    Diapers! (only get one pack in the newborn size as your baby will grow out of this size in about a week and you get some at the hospital!  Go for size 1!!)

    Baby wipes

    Lots of onesies (Don't get all newborn size again!  Get mostly 0-3months and 3-6months so you wont run out in a month or two!)

    Equipment for how you are going to feed your baby, (if breastfeeding then nursing bra, nursing pads, maybe a pump etc.  If bottle feeding then bottles, formula, etc.)

    Sleepers (basically onesies with feet if that makes sense.)

    Crib/bassinet and sheets (you do not need a bumper pad if that helps, and really after they can begin to turn and flip themselves over you should remove it anyway because it is now a choking hazard!)

    Changing table (personally, this is a must have as I have a bad back and it is a lifesaver!!  If not you can just use the bed or couch, but never leave baby unattended!!)

    That is pretty much it, but as I said that is really really bare bones.  You can always do other things like a stroller or whatever obviously.  I wouldn't buy too much if you are planning on having a baby shower and you'll gets lots of things then!  So if possible wait until its over to go shopping.

    Also always look at discount stores for clothing and other items like furniture and such.  Craig's list is a good place to find a lot of free things or cheap things too!  We have a store called "Once Upon a Child" that sells gently used clothing furniture and toys and every once in a while they have a huge sale where lots of stuff is discounted!  Like I got a few onesies for 50 cents each!  CHEAP!  You really shouldn't buy brand name or even brand new things for a young baby as it is just unnecessary.  All they do is p**p or pee on it and they really could care less if its brand name.  Plus they grow so fast they'll only wear it for a few months!

  2. Bottles

    Formula Milk

    Muslin Cloths



    Nappies (diapers)

    Dummies (pacifiers)

    Car Seat





    Nappy Cream

    Baby Lotion or Talcum Powder

    If you are breastfeeding then you don't need any bottles or formula milk. A baby can be bathed in a sink or with you in the bath so a special bay bath is optional. Also a bouncing or swinging baby chair is optional but is handy in keeping a baby occupied.

  3. A pair of Titties?

  4. Definitely get plenty of diapers! Bottles, a car seat, swing or bouncer, crib or bassinet, formula (if formula feeding), books for reading to him/her, camera, blankets and swaddlers, bath items for after the cord falls off... there is probably more that I didn't think of too! Good luck

  5. I would say a play pen and swing!! You need a bundle of bottles! I hate washing them & they only drink a little amout when they are first born..  

  6. things you really need? carseat, diapers and some clothes. everything else is extra

  7. One of those Swaddle blankets with velcro (I think they are called Halo's or Swaddle Me), Diaper Rash cream with High Percent Zinc Oxide, Onsies that button all the way down so you don't have to take it over baby's head

  8. Crib






    Stroller [if you're out alot]


    This is all I can think of.

  9. Crib or bassinet

    Sheets for crib or bassinet



    Sleeper outfits

    Diapers (don't buy too many Newborn size - get size 1)


    Car seat

    Pump or bottles

    Burp clothes

    Baby wash


    Though it's optional, I highly recommend a side-to-side swing.

  10. -cot/cotbed

    -fitted sheet (once baby starts moving a flat sheet isn't enought to keep the sheet in place)

    -blankets (this is a favourite gift so don't get too many. 4 thin blankets would be enough to start with)

    - bouncing chair

    - a few basic outfits size 0-3 month. don't forget socks

    - nappies, cotton wool balls, vaseline, sudo cream. you don't really need any other toiletries to start with.

    - 2 baby towels

    - changing table. you don't have to buy an expensive one but having one is great to start with as your back may be quite sore and these tables are at the right hight.

    - thermometer. the ones you use for the ear are the easiest and quickest ones and even though they cost more than "standard" ones it pays off in the long run. trying to take the temp under the arm for 30 secs is quite hard espeially if the baby is sleeping.

    that's all i can think of. a few things you don't need to start with are:

    - baby bath. it's just easier to use the sink to start with.

    - a nappy wrapper. really expensive to use in the long run. get some nappy bags to put dirty nappies in. it's much cheaper but just as effective at keeping smells under control.

    - toys. you can get toys in a couple of months time and you'll probably get a few as gifts anyway.

    - moses baskets. baby only stays in it for a few weeks and the truth is your home will soon be swimming in baby things and this is just one more thing you can spare.

    hope this all helps. enjoy your little baby :) and remember to enjoy these last few weeks of being baby free. once you've had the baby that's the end of lie ins and going to the cinema for a long time.

  11. The Bare Essentials:


    Car seat/convertible stroller


    Diapers-diaper rash cream, wipes

    Diaper garbage can

    Change Pad or Table

    Tub-soaps and lotions



    Nasal drops-if the baby is congested

    Gripe water-for gas

    Play pen with clip in bassinet

    Whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding, make sure to have everything needed for either


    Receiving Blankets

    Snowsuit for winter

    Additional to the bare essentials you may want:




    Toys (handy for when they are upward of 2 months)


    Jolly Jumper

    All of these things will make life a little easier

  12. Crib or Pack and Play

    Diapers and Wipes

    Onesies/Side Snap T-Shirts


    Carseat/Travel System

    Swing or Bouncy Seat

    Baby Carrier (sling or front carrier)

    Tub and Baby Wash (wash cloths, towel, etc.)

    Breast Pump, etc. (if you're going to nurse)

    Bottles, Nipples, etc. (if you will be formula feeding)

    This is probably all the stuff you would need for the 1st 3 months with your baby.  They don't need much when they are newborns just lots of food and diapers.

  13. -Car seat

    -Diapers (cloth or disposable)


    -Onesies, and a few outfits

    -a Few blankets

    -A carrier of some sort (wrap, sling, front pack carrier, etc.)

    -Bottles and formula if you don't plan on breastfeeding.

    -Crib w/ mattress and sheet if you don't plan on co-sleeping.

    -Most people find they need a stroller at some point or another.

    All the other stuff is really just luxuries.  You may like having them, but they aren't all that necessary.  I found the most unnecessary items to be toys for 0-6 months, and fancy clothes for 0-6 months.

  14. Medical Supplies

    · thermometer - I prefer digital thermometers over mercury ones.

    · infant ibuprofen, Tylenol, or both - You don't want to be running to the drugstore when your child is sick.

    · teething tablets - These are homeopathic and great for relieving teething pain. They can be found at Wal-mart.

    · nail clippers - the scissor kind is worthless, get small clippers that look like adult ones

    Changing Supplies

    · small changing pads

    · diapers - don't stock up on too many newborn diapers because most babies don't stay small for long. I love the pampers brand

    · wipes - pampers makes great sensitive wipes

    · changing table or countoured changing pad and a cover that can sit on top of a dresser

    Bath Supplies

    · bath towel - buy two with hoods

    · bath toys - plus a plastic cup for rinsing and pouring

    · washcloths

    · baby soap and shampoo or body wash

    · baby lotion

    · desitin or buttpaste

    · soft brush

    · infant bath tub or sling

    Feeding Supplies

    · bottles - 1 or 2 are nice even if you plan on breastfeeding (BORN FREE makes great bpa free bottles. plus you can get the gift set which gives you one 9 ounce bottle, 2-3 5ounce bottles and a sippy cup... plus they all come with stage one nipples, and 2 stage two nipples for faster flow (i never used the stage one, cause the flow was so slow))

    · binkie

    · burp clothes - need 4 to 6 or more if your baby has reflux

    · breast pads

    · formula

    · breast pump

    · plastic bibs - get a small one that fits the baby's neck

    · baby spoons - plastic coated ones are the best

    · sippy cup - I like the ones with handles for first time drinkers

    Bring home from the hospital

    · alcohol pads

    · soft brush for scrubbing babies head while bathing - this prevents cradle-cap

    · nose aspirator

    Sleeping Essentials

    · crib

    · receiving blankets - buy 4 to 6 because babies need to be wrapped up when they are first born

    · sheets - at least two for when your baby poops or throws up on one

    Car Basics

    · infant car seat

    · sun screen for the car window


    · clothes - don't buy too many you will receive a lot of 0-3 month clothes at your baby shower. If you get too many which you probably will take them back and buy a bigger size. Figure out how old your child will be the next time the season comes around and buy that size.

    · pajamas - buy lots of these, 4 to 6 pairs, because they are easy to change and keep your newborn warm

    · onesies

    · socks - keep those baby feet warm

    Toys and Board Books

    · teething rings

    · toys with bright colors and music

    · balls

    · blocks

    · rubber toys for chewing

    · soft toys for cuddling

    · board books - not paper

    Great extras

    · bounce chair

    · swing - some children love these and some don't

    · baby carrier - I used to take mine to the grocery store and carry my baby in it so I had my hands free.

    · stroller - I used to take my son on walks for exercise.

    · bassinet - this is nice because you can keep the baby closer for the first month

    · rocking chair - babies love the rocking motion

  15. The things I 'needed' were:



    nappy rash cream

    baby pain medicine (even though you cant use it until they are a month old its always handy to have)

    7 one piece suits (much easier in the very early days)

    1-2 blankets

    1-2 towels


    cot/crib (bassinets are a big waste of money unless you buy one that can be used in a pram/stroller too)

    car seat

    bottles (even if not bottle feeding they are handy to have)

    Anything else depends on your circumstances and budget. If you have any friends/family with babies borrow things like a bouncer/rocker, bassinet, baby carrier/backpack and try them out before you go buying them.

    People will probably give you baby gifts when your bub arrives so buy the basics and anything else can be bought later on.

  16. A stack of diapers

    A week's worth of sleepers and/or T shirts

    A place to put the clothes and diapers

    A sling to carry your baby while you get your work done

    A bunch of big receiving blankets

    A good book, like The Baby Book by Dr Sears.  Stay away from What To Expect.  There's no need to buy a book that just tells you to call your doctor with every little question.

    Health care--nail trimmers, thermometer, a stack of washcloths or old T shirts (wet them and use them instead of commercial baby wipes in the first few weeks), Tylenol

    It's nice to have things like a crib or a swing so you can put your baby down and take a shower, but you can get by without them.

    Oh yeah, a car seat if you ever plan on riding in a car with baby.

  17. - diapers (better think about EC - - I practice it and I strongly recomend since it saves money and helps you develop a strong bond with your child)

    - wipes

    - waste basket or diaper pail for dirty diapers

    - bottles and formula (even if you plan to breastfeed, just in case)

    - bottle brushes

    - alcohol and swabs (for cleaning cord)

    - baby bath tub

    - at least 4 receiving blankets

    - at least 4 sets of baby clothes

    - crib or bassinet

    - at least one changing surface per floor at home

    - baby monitor if he sleeps in his own room

    - ready-to-eat food/drink for yourself (other than sleep, you won't have time for anything else. Stock up everything)

    - arranging pediatrician's visit at hospital and 5 days after birth

    - learn to handle baby alone so that both you and your wife can get more sleep

    - if you plan to breastfeed, consult lactation specialists at hospital and buy your wife nursing bras

    - buy a copy of "What to expect the first year"

    - a few pacifiers

  18. All you need is a supply of nappies, milk if not breast feeding, steriliser for bottles and dummies. Baby sleep suits, soft towels for bath times. Baby rocker chair, you can't hold baby all the time. I had so much stuff when i had my baby but half of it never got used and it was such a waste of money.

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