
What Bahasa Malaysia words can be used to describe a 'vagrant/tramp or homeless person'?

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SugarCane's answer includes the word I'm looking for..




  1. hmmm...merempat?

  2. in malay it called "Garis Halus".

  3. similar answer as above......merempat..

  4. hmmmmm...  I am currently helping some homeless people & families in my job...  

    not so sure what would be the better term to describe them :)


  5. orang tidak berkedudukan.

    orang tidak berumah

    orang merempat

    orang pengemis

    orang utan

    orang eskimo

    orang kerbau otak jam.....

  6. we call it kucing bapuk....hehehe

  7. Vagrant is may sound rather vulgar in BM - bangsat.

    But don't lah use the word "bangsat" around, it's rather insulting.

    Tramp can sound rather rude too.

    Usually I will use the word "pauper" or "homeless".

    Pauper literay means - papa or papa kedana, orang miskin & etc.

    Over here in PJ/KL, the word papa kedana is usually associate to hobo.

    Other words like anjing kurap, pengemis & etc. are also used usually to scold homeless people that sleeps around outside shops, roads or blocking the way or stole stuffs from shops.

  8. vagrant - bergelandangan/bertualang/berkelana

    trampt - kutu rayau

    according to dewan bahasa & pustaka

  9. 1 orang gelandangan, petualang. 2 derap langkah, celam-celum (of marchers). 3 Inf.: wanita P, pelacur. 4 perjalanan kaki (through the woods). -kkt.,kki berjalan kaki.

    orang gelandangan, pengembara. 2 tunawisma.

    i believe the word u wanna hear is himpit himpit above,,  

  10. gelandangan..

  11. orang susah..... sob sob..

    i think if its not merempat or gelandangan...

    petualang kot...

  12. err... orang merempat??or 'orang gelendangan'.


    apa lagi? orang tidak berumah?

  13. Orang Merempat

  14. Viagra bin Trumpt

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