
What Beliefs would you like a candidate to have, for you to vote for him?

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What are your beliefs?




  1. Real American values.  

    That's something Obama/Biden have

    We as McCain/Palin have I will cover up all the lies and abuse of power I can, just like Bush/Cheney.

  2. Religious beliefs have no bearing in my decision making regarding a candidate.

    Above all their belief in the Constitution, willingness to uphold it and keep to it in all areas is the first thing I look for.

    After that, their character, even temperament, intelligence, how they think/problem solving skills, how they work/get along with others, the ability to listen, good judgment skills etc.

    I'm an Independent, but am pro-choice as I believe in an individual's right to freedom of choice and not have government make those decisions for them. So this too is something I look for.  

  3. I most admire values that let me lead my own life in a responsible manner, with reasonable government attempts to keep order.  The key word is reasonable.

    I'm pro-choice, I support g*y marriage, I'm in favor of gun ownership [with fair licensing, but not registering firearms], and I'm pro-death penalty for extreme cases like serial killers, torturers, etc.

    Obviously, I'm not going to get all of this in one candidate.  So I'll take the Dems for the better match on personal freedoms.

    This is a typical old New England Yankee view.  We don't mess with other people's business and reserve the right to defend our family and property.  

    Keeping it real for 388 years....  :)


  4. not anti-abortion, but only very early abortions should be allowed

    take away the incentives for illegal immigration

    limit entitlements and focus on creating job growth

    protect environment

    protect unions

    healthcare for those willing to work

    know when government intervention is necessary and when it is not

    build more universities

  5. One that wouldn't back out on his word like Obama.  

  6. Old school.  Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-military (old school military only), One man and one one wife marrage only--no civil unions.

    A rapest, child-rapest, murder, etc is put before a firing squad.

    "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed:"  Genesis 9:6

    If I could pick who I would really like see as our next president, it would be one of the following:

    Senator Joe McCarthy

    General of the Army Omar Bradley

    General George Patton

    Rev. Billy Sunday

    Dr. John R. Rice (Rev.)

    General Henry H. Arnold

    Dr. Curtis Hutson (Rev.)

    General Curtis LeMay

    Rev. D. L. Moody (Dwight Lyman Moody)

  7. The belief that preserving the rights of the individual is far more important than any other concern.

  8. End all judicial activism; appoint the most objective interpreters of law to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  9. A Belief that marijuana should be legal.

    Sarah Palin, did not actually say she is in favor of it, but she does not seemed to be opposed to it either

  10. A sense of HUMOUR would be nice.

    I want a good looking black man in power too.

    Hey tell me something...who is BLUE and who is RED...never understood that...and does that mean there is actually a WHITE TOO?

    Is that what your flag stands for?

    Maybe you should make your little stars black to even things out.

  11. economics for everyone

    believing in personal responsibility

    care for environment


    universal healthcare as a good option, not a medical ghetto

    improving public schools at the state level- fed govt can't do it effectively


    that the USA is a citizen of the world

    not believe in preemptive war

    building real coalitions


    marriage equality for homosexuals

  12. If at all possible, I'd like to vote for an Atheist, or an Agnostic. Somebody who doesn't let his religion affect his politics would be the next best thing. That's not happening any time soon, though.

  13. I never vote because of religious belief.

    We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  14. Pro-life 100%.  No killing innocent children, born or unborn.


    Anti-capital punishment.

  15. My first concern, is he/she has PROVEN leadership ability. Second, they believe in staying out of my way, and removing obstacles preventing me from becoming as successful and self supporting, as I want.

  16. "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you", and "For what you do for the least of your brethren you do also unto me."--Jesus Christ.

    Of the two candidates, I believe Obama's beliefs best exemplify both.

  17. I think it's too late in world history according to the bible for that to matter's all destiny from this point on!

  18. Strong, Conservative beliefs.  Our rights as Citizens of the United States come from the Creator.  We, (including the not yet born) have the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A person should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin, their gender or their religious affiliation.

    The Federal Government should stay within the bounds set for it by the Constitution.  Taxes should be kept to an absolute minimum.  People should be as free of restrictions and regulations as possible.  America is the source of "good" in the world not the source of "evil".  

    America and all the good people of the world must stand up and oppose evil wherever it rears its ugly head, for all that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing!


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