
What Bicycle Rims Can I Use To Replace a Bent One?

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I bought a Schwinn S-15 3 years ago (, and over time the back rim has become so bent that I can't adjust the back brakes to begin stopping without rubbing during a normal rotation. Today I had my second spoke break off, and the spokes do not look replaceable (read: cheaply welded onto the hub).

So I've resigned to replacing it. Can I just buy any old 26" rim to replace it, or does it have to be one specially for the back gears? I mean, can I walk into any bike shop (I got this one at Target) and ask for a 26" Rim and it'll work, or does it have to be specialized?




  1. You shouldn't have to replace it. Take it in to a bike shop to have the broken spokes replaced and the wheel trued. No wheels have welded on spokes. It'll be cheaper than replacing the wheel.

  2. you should get it trued...

    it saves yore money too..

    if youre adventurous and want to get a hand at trying yourself watch this video

    hope it helps

  3. MR is right.  It can be trued at the bike shop for about $15-20 per wheel (depending if you need many new spokes.)

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