
What Brands of Motorcycles can last over 100000 Miles?

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Im looking for a good starter bike and I would like to invest in one that will last the while any suggestions?




  1. A BMW. Something like a 750cc would be good. They're reliable, fast, and handle well.

  2. I would say all of them if proper maintenance is done.   I have a sport bike with 8000 miles, I have a Waaaaayyyyyy to go, and don't think I'll make it.  I'm looking at a cruiser soon.

  3. Lots of bikes are capable of 100,000 miles, I know of a Suzuki GS550 and a few GS850s that are over that right now and still running nearing 30 Years old. Honda Gold Wings routinely go that kind of miles. Good maintenance practices including regular valve adjustments will contribute to lots of trouble free miles. The newer water cooled bikes have a longer expected life than the older air cooled models.

  4. Almost any Japanese motorcycle will last 100k miles these days.  Honda, especially, makes bikes that are relatively overbuilt and understressed.   A BMW would be good too. but they tend to be a bit pricey.

    I would go for a standard rather than the hottest sport-bike.

    If you're just starting out, though, I would say you shouldn't buy a shiny new bike.  You're going to be hard on your first bike.  You're going to abuse the clutch.  You might drop it a few times before you get the hang of it.  You should start out with an older bike, maybe 5-10 years old, maybe even with a few bruises already on it.  After a year, you can sell it for about what you paid for it, and by then you'll have a better idea of what you really want.

    Also, as motorcycles go, 100,000 miles is a long time.  Unless you ride the bike a lot, by the time you rolled up that many miles it would be a 'vintage' bike and parts might be hard to find.  Most bike manufacturers don't support bikes more than 10 years old, so often it's hard to get parts. The exceptions might be Honda, for their bigger touring bikes (like the Gold Wing), BMW and Harley Davidson.

  5. Betting you don't want to shell out for a Harley first bike, your key is name brand bike WATER COOLED. Change the oil... don't over rev... you'll be on it long after a hundred grand.

  6. 78,000 on my Goldwing 1100cc  espencade

    and still running strong

  7. I think any well known brand would if you took care of it, providing it is a mid size or larger engine. I have seen a couple Harley's with close to 200,000.

  8. I'd think that just about any brand could last over 100K with regular maintenance.  Some brands have a better reputation for build quality than others, though.

    I ride a BMW 650 single.  Bought in 2001, and as of this morning, about 83,000 miles.  I'm aware of several other BMWs with over 100K on them.

    Harleys, though they're not my speed, might actually be a good candidate here.  They're air-cooled (except the V-rod), which means fewer moving parts.  They don't put out scads and scads of power, so the load-bearing parts tend to be understressed.  Haven't heard of too many Harleys going over 100K, but I don't hang with too many folks who ride them.

    Hondas have a reputation for being better-engineered than other Japanese brands.

    Moto Guzzi might be a good choice here as well.  As with the Harley and, to a lesser extent, the BMW, they have tended to be in a lower state of tune, and therefore, less stressed.

    I think I may be looking for different qualities in a beginner bike than its longevity, however.  Ergonomics and suitable power delivery will likely matter a lot more to you than longevity.

    Good luck, and welcome to motorcycling!

  9. Any of the ones listed, as long as you take care of it, and dont be a speed demon.

    Id prefer the BMW, but then Im picky

  10. 73,000 on my Honda VT-600-C Shadow VLX.

    I've seen a couple of Hondas with over 300,000 miles.

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