
What CAD software does UC Berkeley use?

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I'll be a Mechanical Engineering major there next semester, and I can't find what software they use.

I'm hoping it's SolidWorks or NX.




  1. AutoCAD is the software used by over 90% of the industry and the DWG files that it creates are not government standard for the patent office and any designs; so you hope they teach AutoCAD.

    Look at this comparison of CAD software:

    According to UC Berkly's own website:

    They teach the fundamentals of AutoCAD, however they probably offer a lot of add on software classes.

    For more information just request a college catalog:

    According to:

    "Academia: Using NX as a Visualization Tool

    Wednesday, 2:45:00 PM. Level: Beginner

    Bob Chalou, Michigan State University,

    We will explore tips and techniques for producing dynamic presentations that can be embedded in presentation software like PowerPoint. We will begin with basic rendering techniques and build up to advanced methods to produce fully rendered "photographs.""

    - That makes AutoCAD a better program.

    The department of Bioengineering at UC Berkley uses SolidWorks:  So I assume you can get more classes in it if you want, but why settle for second best?

    As a former CAD Operator I learned 3 versions of CAD and liked AutoCAD the best; it was the most powerful.  Why do else you think that Toy Story (the movie) used AutoDesk software for their film?

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