
What CAN i do? 27 weeks pregnant?

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ok so i'm 27 weeks pregnant and going crazy. i don't know what activities i CAN do!!! so here's the thing. i'm an avid horseback rider and swimmer and loved traveling. i just turned 21 so most my friends go out to the bars, which is ok b/c i'm the dd and nebraska is smoke free in any public place (including bars!). i just am feeling stir crazy. i was told by a neighbor who is a nurse that i'll have to give up swimming soon (another love of mine). i love sushi and deli meats (which again i've given up) i just need some pregnancy friendly things to do for the last two months. any ideas??? some people say 9 months doesn't seem that long, but when u have to give up as many things that you love as i have, it's a horribly long time!!! help!!!




  1. I see no reason why you'd have to give up swimming. Just don't over-exert yourself, slow laps or just paddling should be fine. While I was pregnant I swam right up until the last few weeks. It felt so good to take the pressure of my back and legs.

    The prenatal swim class suggested is a great idea.

    I also love sushi and deli meats. I stuck to vego sushi (cucumber and avocado rolls rather than sashimi) and hot japanese dishes like udon, just make sure it's made fresh. As for deli meats I made sure to cook them really well (heat kills the listeria) before eating them. Try frying salami to add to an omelette or pasta sauce. That'll give you your fix without risking listeriosis. Just make sure you fry it really well.

    Try taking up a hobby that doesn't involve physical exertion but still uses your hands. I did many puzzles and a lot of gardening while I was pregnant. Also, there's always walking. Nothing like a good long walk to help you clear your head.

    I hope this helps.  

  2. You don't have to give up swimming till you loose your mucus plug. I am 24 and just had a month long vacation before my move to Guam 2 weeks ago. Im 18 weeks 4 days and I had to not do everything and it was drving me cazy too. I wanted to fly in LA(air puhes you in a box and you literally fly) and I wanted to bunggie jump, and drink on my birthday with my twin and mom I hadn't seen in 2 years, and jet ski and go tubing on a boat. All things I can't do and it was really sad. Now I am at the island, I was able to snorkel in the ocean and I LOVED it. Since you are a water person, that could be fun if you are around an ocean. The ocean here is WARM and clear so its perfect for me. I can still do it in Dec. because its the same weather all year long. Good luck. Card games with family can be fun too.  

  3. swimming is one of the best exercises you can do, especially as you get further along in your pregnancy so there is no reason to give it up. and you can still eat deli meat as long as you heat it up in the microwave until it is steaming. it is wise to have given up sushi but you don't have too much longer until you can have it again.  

  4. You shouldn't start new things while you are pregnant but as long as you aren't having any problems and you docter says it is okay you can continue what you have been doing. If course you shouldn't be skiing or doing anything that puts the baby at risk if you should fall.

  5. you dont have to give up swimming.. just take it slow.. join a prenatal swim class!

  6. I'm also an avid horseback rider, and I hated giving it up.  However, I understand that a bad fall could be very harmful to the baby (and myself).  There is NO reason you shouldn't swim though.  You just have to balance your needs with the baby's needs.  I ate subs during the 5/6th months because I was craving them so badly.  Nothing bad happened, and my baby is fine.  It's all a matter of weighing the risks.

    Also, let me just say that it sucks to have to give so much up when you're pregnant.  Men have no idea.  

  7. Talk to your doctor.  If you were swimming regularly before pregnancy, I don't see why you can't continue up until you give birth.  When you're dd at the bar, ask the bartender to make you a virgin fruity smoothie type of drink.  I did so I could still have a drink with a pretty umbrella and a straw but it had no alcohol.  When everyone does shots, ask the bartender to put some pineapple juice and sprite in a shotglass for you.  As for sushi, which I also love, ask the sushi chef to make you a veggie roll or use only cooked fish.  I never gave up deli meats while pregnant but you can microwave them first and then eat them.  Talk to your doctor and realize there are ways to substitute things while you're pregnant.  

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