
What CRITERIA do you apply for (a) 'blocking' other users ...?

by Guest62586  |  earlier

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... (b) 'downthumbing' or 'upthumbing' others (c) 'reporting' others.

Indeed, do you actually read others' posts properly?




  1. (a) people that block me

    (b) 'upthumbing ' - sensible or humorous answers; 'downthumbing' - ignorant answers

    (c) when a question /answer is advocating extreme violence e.g. 'should [insert user name] be killed?'

  2. a.Ones that just answer my question purely to write childish personal insults.

    b. answers I don't agree with, that's what it's for isn't it??

    c. If they involve something absolutely disgusting like peodophilia.

    I pity the pathetic mosogynists who report, afterall that's the only reaction they can come up with??

  3. (a) 'blocking' other users ...? - I dont block ANYONE. I blocked Tracey for one of my questions (which was about her, and which was deleted), months ago, and unblocked her after the question was deleted.That account is gone as well.

    (b) 'downthumbing' or 'upthumbing' others - I don't. I can't, usually.

    (c) 'reporting' others - Don't report these days. Someone insulting me, is just not enough criteria for me to report them. I dont report something that is funny, even if it wasn't an answer. And there is no scarcity of fun on this forum.

  4. a) blocking: if I strongly suspect them of reporting me

    b) downthumbing: if their answer makes me laugh out loud, roll my eyes, or want to strangle something

    c) upthumbing: if their answer is something I would have said

    d) reporting: if they specifically target me

  5. A) they have to block me first; on occasion I will block first; especially when I tire of them; then we have to be in an argument of some sort.

    B) I never DT anyone; they have a freedom of speech; it's their right; I don't have to agree, but still.

    C) UT that I do.

    D)I never report others that goes hand in hand with B.

  6. I get pissed off with answerers who bandy around the word "misogyny" without thinking and accusing these so-called "misogynists" of being report monkeys.

  7. I report everyone whose opinion is not identical to mine. Sometimes I report people just because I dont like their avatar. Just kidding man... I am not a feminazi... I never report anyone....

  8. downthumbing -- people who give stupid answers

    upthumbing -- people who give kind, helpful answers

    report --- people who are rude or hurt others feelings

  9. a) I only block those who block me.

    b) I thumbdown people I know a stating false facts, if it is an opinion based question I thumbdown people I completely disagree with.

    c) I report people very rarely, when they are encouraging hate.

  10. a-If they block me first.

    b-Upthumbing if I agree. Downthumbing if I disagree or the person is being rude.

    c-I don't report people.  

  11. Well, for blocking I start by determining if they use a cheerful sign off on their posts ... those users REALLY gripe me ...

    OH WAIT ... that's not me! I don't block anyone.

    Must be some blokes with anger management issues, lol.

    For thumbing, if I like the answer (meaning it's well written, interesting, intelligent or witty) it gets a thumb up.

    I usually don't bother thumbing down unless I just can't be effed reading any more of it.

    Reporting I reserve for child abusers and their apologists.

    Cheers :-)

  12. I haven't reported anyone since Jackal was around.  I don't really care about the thumbs thing...if it's a good answer, even if I don't agree with it, I'll give it a thumbs up.  If it's an idiotic answer (in the realm of "yes," "no," or "you're stupid and I'm not" sort of thing), I give thumbs down.  Otherwise, I really don't care.  There are some people on here that I don't even read because they're so repetitive and annoying...I make the choice to turn them off rather than read them and then jump on the report button.  That's a choice others might consider making before they report every damned thing people say that does not exactly correlate to their own opinions.

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