
What Can Help Me Make My School Volleyball Team Next Season?

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Last August I tried out for my schools volleyball team and almost made it, but unfortunately I didn't. This season I want to work hard and make the team. Does anyone have any special hints or tips on serving, setting, and conditioning for me?




  1. I think Jay's workout plan is a little to extreme.  To play volleyball you need alot of stamina and the abillity to cover a large distance in a short amount of time.  However, 3 miles a day is unnecessary, if you can do it then great but running a miles 2-3 times a week can suffice.  Wall sits are great for you but  3 sets of 10 for 30 seconds is extremely difficult so I'd suggest breaking that up or lessenign the time.

    What you should do is focus on your core strength, this is what will help you put up an effective block and get power behind your serves and spikes.  Try crunches, planks, and leg lifts (where you lay on our back & hold your legs together at different heights above the floor your abs will burn if you do it right).  A good ab workout tape works as well.  I also suggest practicing sprints and plyometric drills (jumping over cones, ladder drills, running backwards, etc).  

    With volleyball the most important thing is proper form and footwork.  Work on your passing form (one foot slightly in front of the other, arm out hands together with thumbs angled towards the floor), be sure not to swing your arms and instead extnd your legs to get power behind the balll.  With setting your foot work is always a step with your left and then you seal your right foot being sure that your facing where you want the ball to go.  Then you put your hands up above your forehead, forming a triangle with your fingers, and then with your fingertips you push the ball to where you want it to go being sure to follow thorugh with your fingers.

    For serving you want to make sure that you toss the ball high enough and a little in front of you so that you can step into the serve when you make contact with the ball.  Always hit the ball with palm of your hand making sure that your hand remains firm.  Your arm should remain extended when you are actually swinging into the ball.  Try and turn your hips when you make contact with the ball, it helps you get more power behind it. When you can consistently get the ball over the net you can then start to focus on serving to specific spots on the court.

    These are just some tips, what I'd really suggest is maybe talking to the volleyball coach or good players on the team and maybe asking them to help you get down the proper form and footwork.  Try attending a camp over the summer they can really help you.  Also lok at a volleyball magazine for tips and check out some college or pro volleyball games on tv or online.

  2. repetition, repetition, repetition!!

    also, i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND a program that increases your vertical leap anywhere from 8-14 inches. I can tell you from personal experience that it has increased my vertical leap 12 inches! It is called Air Alert, and oh my, what a difference it will make! it helped me all around. In that same program, once you are done, you will/can do Air Alert Advanced, which increases your vertical anywhere from another full 4-6 inches!

  3. If you serve underhand then try serving overhand because that gives you an advantage. Practice serving to get it consistent. If you know how to spike then try getting the ball close to middle back or close to the lines.

  4. setting: curve your fingers and let the ball "feel" you

    serving: wahck that puppy

    conditioning: run, jump rope, run some more, pushups, crunches, run, etc

  5. ppl say run and get in shape. .

    not necessarily true! my volleyball team had some BIG girls but all you need to REMEMBER that the ball ISNT your friend and neither is the other team.. dont be intimidated  by your team mates bc they are a little bit better.. you WILL work your way up!!!!!

    good luck!

  6. I can't help you with any playing tips but I would suggest that you pick a college or university in your area that hosts a volleyball camp during the summer and attend it.  You can get top level coaching and participate against many other students.  Go to the athletics website of any school and their should be a camp link.

  7. go to lots of vball camps this summer. practice on your approach for your spike. work on your serving and try 2 serve the ball at any angle. u just hav to work hard... if u want it that bad u will practice for it

  8. Run 3 miles a 3 sets of 10 wall sits for 30 seconds........practice a good float serve....make sure the pin hole of the ball is facing the direction of the net.....for setting soft hands...but firm...and practice setting into a basketball hope.....100 x a day. It worked for me and I played HS College (Navy) and had I been a little taller I would have played in Europe. oh yeah calf raise with weights 3 sets of 10 as well. this should help you get to the next level...and play as much pick up as possible, there is no replacement for experience.

  9. Trust me. You don't have to do any of Jay's ideas to make the team.

    When you go to serve (my highschool we can only serve overhand) trow it up and hit with like almost the wrist bone to kind of cheat a little and make it go farther. Or if you can do it hit with your palm like your supposed to.

    Also, setting. Just keep your eyes on the ball, make a triangle with your fingers, look through the window and pop them up. Almost, like doing spirit fingers. lol My coach tries to teach us little silly things like that, that we can reference to, to make the shot better.

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