
What Can I Buy So I Won't Be Bored???

by  |  earlier

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My mom and I (yep, just the 2 of us!) are going on a road trip tomorrow. We'll be driving for 8 hours. I'm no into those portable games (ds, psp, etc) or those traditional road games. My mom will be driving, so I'll be alone in the back (more space). My mom says she'll spend up to $80 to get me stuff, so I be preoccupied. I got a few magazines, my cell phone, digital camera, journal, portable DVD player, a bunch of different crafts to make...what else should I buy?




  1. There are many ways to entertain yourself.  You could try to find liscence plates from as many different states as possible(get a map and color the state in when you find it), get one of those doll heads and practice doing hair, expirement with makeup, start making a scrapbook of your trip or get some permanent markers and decorate a white t-shirt or a pillowcase.  I'm sure you'll find something fun to do in the car!!

  2. personally I'm pretty into music. You can go out and get a portable CD player for as cheap as $20. Then you spend 20 or 30 on iTunes for music to fill it up (I trust you have blank CDs? If not then any office store would have them) after that buy a DVD or two and then spend the rest on games on your cell

    have a nice trip :)

  3. Well that would depend on your interests. What do you like to do?

    Reading is always a good thing if you have an imagination.

    You could try drawing. Or buy some glue and cut your magazine up and make a collage. Be creative! Hope this helps!

  4. Maybe a crossword puzzle book or some dvd's for your portable dvd player. Watching movies makes time go by fast!

  5. Motion sickness pills and a good book.

    I recommend a hard cover book as the type is bigger and easier to read while in motion and poor lighting.

  6. i dont think you need anything else but you could get a couple books.

  7. everything you have would be enough to occupy me for 8 hours.....but you could look out the window sometimes on the highway when you pass cars its really funny to look and see whos driving beside like you could find a rediculously fat guy stuffed in a really little car or some gangsters in an old lady caddy or something idk ya never know what ya might see, but even better then investigating fellow travelers on the road why dont you talk to your mom?? A lot of people dont spend enough time or talk to their moms enough this seems to be a great opportunity to kind of hang out with your mom a little bit and considering just the two of you are going on this road trip isnt bonding a little bit the point??

    have fun on your road trip!

  8. buy a rubix cube

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