
What Can I Do About Northwest Airlines?

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I just got back form Norway with my boyfriend on our way back to the U.S. My plane was scheduled to leave at 6:25am but it was delayed so we didn't leave til 8:30. We got on the plane my bf and I were seated across from each other (aisle in between). We get to amsterdam and find out our gate is closing so we ran to our gate which was on the other side from where we landed. We get to the gate and find out we're off the flight but they put us back in and they couldn't give us seats together even though we ordered them together and they refuse to give us first class so then they said maybe you should ask the flight attendant to see if they can help you. Unfortunately the flight attendants were no help and my boyfriend got the worst seat ever which was all the way in the back and I was seated 8 rows away and across from him not to mention I was assigned the same seat as a person. So 10 hours w/o seeing eachother. What can I get out of it besides $100 credit vouchers?




  1. Unless  your  delay  results  in  you   having  to  take  a flight  another  day  and  costs  lodging  etc ,

    You   are   unlikely  to  get   anything .

    With  the  current  state  of  the  airlines ,

    You  were  lucky  to  end  up  on  the  same  flight .

    10  hours  not  seeing  each  other  ?

    They   will  have  a  great  time  falling  out  of  their  chairs  laughing .


  2. Since you weren't there at boarding, they gave your seats away.  You're lucky they were able to put you on the plane at all.  

    If the delay was not their fault (i.e. weather or problems at the airport), they are only required to make sure you get to your destination.  

    However, $100 travel vouchers seems a bit low.  You might contact them and ask for more--but be specific.  Perhaps start with round trip domestic travel.

  3. I really can't be too sympathetic about not being together for 10 hours with your boyfriend. Try 8 months :P

    You made the connection and got vouchers on top of that. I think your doing pretty well honestly all things considered and you got to your destination safely. I'd imagine you saw your boyfriend after that 10 hours right?

    I wish you the best of luck, but definitely keep things in life in perspective.

  4. Did you pay for your sitting arrangements? If so call the airlines and ask for refunds for not being granted the sitting arrangement you paid for.

    The running part and delays are always normal in any airlines. Delays have many reasons, most of it are for safety reason so we cannot/shouldn't complain about that anymore.

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