
What Can I Do For My Golden Birthday(17)??? Ideas??

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My birthday is September 17th. My golden birthday is next year, 2009, and I'm starting to plan it. I want it to be big. Can I do what I was planning for my 16th, but I'm not having my 16th? Should the decorations and stuff be gold? And do I have to have it in September or can I have it in the winter time, since it's my golden?? Thanks in Advance!!!!




  1. get a bunch of friends together and go to six flags in a limo

    or you can rent a private room in a restaurant and put gold decorations everywhere

  2. Have  a D.D.R. party. Get some mates, hang out, and work your ace off. Eat all the cake you want, stuff your face and go against each other.  

  3. what makes it golden? like is seventeen the golden b day or something?

    anywho sure make a whole bunch of gold ribbons and decorations

    &&if there wont be a sixteenth b day tell you parents this one has to be amazing since its golden ((please explain to me why)) && you didnt get a wonderful might be able to sucker them into throwing you an extravagant one

    maybe rent a place out or do something with a few close friends but do A LOT...idk depends how many people you want...maybe put more details like that in

    answer mine?

  4. You should make it really special. Drink some wine coolers and let that guy you kinda like take your cherry.

  5. Perhaps you might want to clear all of your plans with your parents first.  WHo is going to be paying for this shindig?

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