
What Can I Do To Help Global Warming???

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So I have been hearing about Global Warming and that we need to help but I really dont know how.What are some things I can do evreyday to help???




  1. Stop breathing.  When you exhale, you're depositing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and that's a "green house" gas.

  2. Well, whether it exists or not I will leave to the experts, but by being 'green' you can sometimes save yourself money.  Turn off all 'standby' items, TV, settop boxes, DVD players etc.  Turn off lights in rooms not being used at any time (except hallways and stairs).  Use washing machine for full loads only, dry laundry outside where possible.  Put a water saver in the toilet cistern and don't leave the water running when cleaning teeth.  Recycle everything that you can (or that your council will collect).  Most of these things will save you money - not the recycling though.

  3. Nicely put Dr. Smith.

  4. You can start by not believing all the global warming propaganda.  It's a myth being promoted by politicians and environmental activists who are trying to spread fear and panic, so they can jump out in their Supermen outfits at the right time and say "We'll save you!"  The truth is no one really knows what is happening, what's causing it, and whether anything can be done about it.

    That being said, however, there are lots of things you can do to be more eco-friendly.  Recycling is one.  Using public transportation instead of driving is another.  Cutting down on your use of water and electricity whenever possible is another.  Energy-efficient light bulbs are also a good way to help the environment.  If you have a garden or a lawn, using organic fertilizers will help.  Those are the biggies that you can do on a daily basis.

  5. To HELP global warming?

    Wll... buy the biggest SUV possible, an H2 or Range Rover.... or better yet a motorhome. Go everywhere in that behemoth... take it out to buy groceries every day, take it work, to pick up the paper... anything you can.

    Open all of your windows, and doors if they have screen, then turn on the A/C and Heater to full power, and run that 24/7. Also, make sure that your TV, Radio, Stereo and computer are ALWAYS on.

    Whenever you're home... start up a fire. In fact, instead of taking our your garbage, just burn it right in the can. If you have plastic garbage can, they'll melt, so get in your RV or SUV and go to the furthest possible supply store and buy new ones!

    Barbecue every meal, but don't forget to leave your stove and oven on anyway. That'll be a start.

  6. You can't do anything global warming is natural.


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