
What Can I Do To Prepare to Become a Nurse?

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I'm in high school right now.

Can anyone tell me what classes I should take to prepare me.

As of right now I have taken, Biology, Chemistry, and Anatomy

I am taking Physics my senior year. Should I also take AP Bio??

Math is my weak point, So I Will NOT Graduate w/ Calculus.

{but with pre-cal}

Is there anything else I should think of taking or to do to better myself?

and will not taking calculus by senior year be a problem?

Also what classes after high school, do I take in college?

{sorry, ATM I'm just a little confused and I want to get it together EARLY

so later on I'm not at a stand-still}

And if anyone has any good websites, etc

For this topic I would appreciate it.

Any feedback is taken in positively

Thx Y!A




  1. You're on a roll, and sounds like you're preparing yourself well at this point.

    I would definitely suggest taking AP Bio if it's available, depending on the emphasis, it could help, or not really help from a human biology standpoint, but will look strong on your transcripts.  

    I would suggest - if you can, take microbiology as well.  If not in high school, definitely in your first year of college, or even a 3 credit course at a technical / community college before college.  That will prepare you well.  

    Do NOT worry about Calculus, for most nursing programs, as long as you have a year or two of Algebra, that's all you should need.  

    As for what classes to take after high school, it really depends on the requirements for whatever college you plan to attend, and their nursing program.  If you have a nutrition class available in high school, or at a local tech / comm college, you'll need that, as you will need a Psychology course (or at minimum a "Life-Span Development" course).

    Just keep focusing on your future, and getting good grades now!

    Sounds like you're headed in the right direction!

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