
What Can I Do on a Two Day Bus Ride?

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I'm going to Montana from GA in a few days and the bus ride is supposed to be a 2 day trip. I know after the 3rd hour I'm going to bored out of my mind so anyone have any tips on whats the best things to do while riding?

I plan on burning alot of cds, bringing some books and maybe sleeping pills to sleep the hours away but I don't know if that will be enough. Help would be appreciated!




  1. how old are you? i cant tell you anything unless i know your age group. well since you are older then me im not sure what you like to do maybe if a family member or yourself has a laptop or portable dvd player you can bring that to watch a couple movies and i know i would like to bring my ipod  and maybe guitar hero for ds (its very fun and amusing) definately bring books  and im not sure what else sorry hope i helped a little :) have a nice trip!

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