
What Can I Expect Goin in to Junior Varsity Basketball Team.?

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Im 6'0 155lbs and a sophmore

my jump shot is decent

i have good speed

and good defense.

im a decent ball handler

and decent post game.

wat advice can u give for tryouts and the season?

also wat position is the best looking for me?




  1. SF or C OR PF ur good dont worry:D

  2. Work EXTRA hard now on your shot, handle, High post game (At the foul line).. Try the stuff below.. you will be a point gaurd, shooting gaurd, or small forward...

    1. Shoot 650 jumpers a day.. about 4 hours of nothing but shooting from the 3 point line, foul line and mid range..

    2. Dribble the ball with your weak hand for about an hour and shoot with your weak hand.. put your strong hand in your pocket (dont worry when you shoot with your weak hand its gonna be ugly but it can only get better)

    3. do the same as number 2 but with your strong hand.

    4. Stand at the foul line turn and shoot 30 times.

    5. (since your fast stand at the foul line.. pump fake and drive to the hoop for a lay up.. (Clap or dunk if you can) do this 30 times

    P.S. clap means to smack the backboard when you lay it up..

  3. agreed SF or PF

  4. how bout sf or pf

  5. You can except taller players, better players, and faster game play. I think you could fit fine at small forward. But I hope you know that if you make it to the college level you will have to play point guard so you need to work on your handles, your shot, and your speed. What will separate you from other players is your shot and your speed so keep working.

  6. during jv i was  6 0 155 and a sophomore as well. had a great shot. nothin outstanding in any other areas.

    jvs easy. i was a sg sometimes sf. its easy

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