
What Can I Say to My Student Teacher/Highschool Ed. Student?

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This is my very first year as a teacher...and I was assigned (not asked if I wanted) a student teacher/highschool girl (for fieldwork in education). I was lied to by admin. and told that she was a "helper" when, in fact, I am HER supervisor.

Anyway, I need some help knowing what to say to her. She comes in late nearly every day, texts on her cell phone, and talks only to my students that are the same ethnicity as she is. My little girls love her and are easily distracted from whatever we're doing when she comes in. The other day I heard her asking my student who her "boyfriend" is. I was apalled but didn't say anything. I know what it's like to be a student teacher (since I was just one myself last year!) so I am hesitant to be unkind...but she is a problem. I think that tattling on her to my principal might be unprofessional without talking to her first. I just don't know what to say. I've had her teach some lessons but she does the minimum required. Relate? Advice? Thanks.




  1. What a horrible situation for you to be in!!!  I didn't have a student teacher until I was in the classroom for 10 years.  First of all, she must have a field supervisor.  Discussing your concerns with her (him?) isn't tatting and doesn't involve the school.  The field supervisor could come in and observe and probably take it from there.  Don't discuss with the principal because she isn't an employee.  I would respond truthfully on her evaluations.

  2. I think you're correct in wanting to handle this situation without resorting to your principal yet.  Just approach is at the classroom management issue that it is.  Give her very clear and specific tasks, and be sure that she understands what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate behavior in your classroom.  If she's late, she gets a tardy, just like any other student.  The same rules concerning cell phone use that apply to all students apply to her.  And she MUST interact in a positive and professional way with ALL your students.  With consistent management, this problem may become a real help for you after all! Good luck!

  3. It is inappropriate to give a rookie teacher a student teacher,

    especially in this manner. You've been had. However, being a new teacher yourself, without tenure, you're not in a real power position.The administration knows it, and is taking advantage of you. This student teacher sounds like a loser. Think of your student teaching experience; no doubt you were prompt, prepared, ready to learn,  wanting to please everyone, and above all, trying to be a professional.  Her behavior is unacceptable and apparently didn't learn a thing or didn't care about her undergraduate education classes.

    At the end of each day, go over her performance, with suggestions. Expect improvement daily. If not ,don't hold back any strong suggestions, be firm. Remember, this is YOUR

    class;  you are responsible for these students! If there's no improvement in about a week, don't procrastinate , contact her college supervising teacher at once and set-up a three-way conference immediately.  Talk to the college supervisor privately before the conference; list your concerns.

    The publics perception of teachers is not all that great as is. We certainly don't need a talentless, underachiever to slip through the cracks and end up as a classroom teacher.

    From your explanation, I think that this individual should drop

    out of student teaching, try again next semester, or just change her college program.

    Be tactful, but firm.

    By the way ,what is your union's position on this situation?

  4. Talk to her about why she enjoys teaching, why she offers her time to the job and decided to it in the first place. If she responds seriously and truly to these ?'s then she really wants to be ateacher and ask her why she thinks its okay to text in the middle of class. Also remind her of the age of the students and how they are to young to talk about boyfriends. Tell her that it is really distruptive that she comes in late everday and threaten to fire her if she doesnt shape up. I totally agree with you everything she did was terrible and a serious teacherwould not act like that.

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