
What Can I do about an unfair rental reprimand that may end in eviction?

by Guest62193  |  earlier

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I received a letter from my rental office stating that someone has seen me discarding trash on non-trash days. They stated that if the behavior persisted, I would be fined $25 per bag &, if it continued, a 30 day notice to vacate. I have never discarded trash on a non-garbage day & cannot stop behaviors I am not causing. How can I argue against this?




  1. Super question.  My first thought is that the landlord would have to prove that it is you doing what they are saying is being done.

  2. ask them how they have proof, they just have the other person word. Tell them you have no idea what that person is talking about.. You NEVER throw trash out on non trash days.  

  3. I'm in agreement with those who say they should have some realistic proof, certainly something better than a "somebody saw you doing this" sort of anonymous witness. Besides, mistakes happen, especially if there's something in the kitchen trash that smells like it needs to be in the outside trash bin!

    Ask for proof, explain that it was most certainly not you, and ask that any black marks on your record as a tenant in this regard be removed.

  4. That person better have prove like in a picture that would have the date on it or they wouldn't stand a chance in court. Send a letter back telling them you do no such thing.

  5. You ask them to prove it was you.

    That means, the management company would have to go through the trash and find something in it with your name on it, or catch you on a security camera.

    If you get a vacate notice, you'll have the opportunity to go to court...WELCOME that invitation..b/c they won't be able to prove it.

    Do you have any conflicts with neighbors?  That would be a good place to start.

  6. I am a little stunned to hear anyone has "trash days".   You have to keep your trash inside the house some days?   That sounds very unreasonable to me.

    I would not argue this too much.   Simply state that they are mistaken, they must have mistook you for someone else, as you are very careful to only dispose of your trash on your designated day.

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