
What Can Replace Cheap Oil? When?

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The price of oil and the demand for energy are increasing. Oil supplies are dwindling, and the polar ice caps are melting. So the time is ripe for humans to transition from oil to a new source of energy. Alternative energy sources are available but need to be scaled up and made more cost efficient to replace oil. Advances in nanotechnology may be the answer. But will they come soon enough to avoid an energy crunch?




  1. there is solutions but guess who is stopping them

    the oil companies, if they think they will lose money they will put a stop to it by any means necessary

  2. in the future, liposuction for super lardy people can remove the fat, and then convert that into useable hydrocarbons such as petrol etc (as fat is made up of fatty acids and glycerol, both of which contain hydrocarbon chains)

    or you could just burn some old people instead, if you are bored with the growing number of them.

  3. I say we call there bluff for a minute: say we have found an "un-tapped resource of oil in Alaska" make this head line news, freak out the Saudis etc,,,kidnap the vp's of the oil company's by either the mob or the pink gang ya know Mr. pink or that dude that likes to hang out in the garage that sings "clowns to the left of me, clown to right" lol,,,,ya know let them feel like we do once in a while,,,,feed them of course but lets say charge them what like 100.00 a bologna sandwich I'm thinking mayonnaise an additional $25 a teaspoon you guys get it  ,,,,,I'm not trying to be mean,,,this is just Carma and if there's anything I've learned from watching  that "Earl" program, Carma can be a real B_t_ch am I Right, throw in a couple of Saudis and make them DE-robe put on speedo's and run the new york what's that race

    come on people what do you say, are you with me or against me?

  4. a specialized machine can be installed to filter lard and frying oil to refine it for cars , solar panals on homes with replace gas heating but its the oil companies who prevent alot of this they assume things with last it wont sadly, and if we dont cut down our carbon footprints we'll be extinct, but for 30yrs or more we've been told by naturalists, scientists and we took no notice of all this now its too late to reverse  itas begun, polar bears, seals penguins tigers, orang-u-tangs pandas, birds, butterflies, bees, some species of plants, trees are all suffering cos of our greed for money and corporate commodities . ive done a blog called earth as we know it, my research came from notes from students studying these issues at universities about the world.

  5. My guess is that solar is the answer.  Convert to hydogen and oxygen for portable energy.  This can power transportation.  The hydrogen can be converted to electricity for night time needs.  When the sun is shining just use the electricity.  All that really needs to be done is finding a way to set up the economics of it.

  6. Cheap Oil is being replaced by Expensive Oil.


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