
What Can These Dreams Mean?

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Ok, so i have dreams every night of whats going to happen the next day or sometime that week, and the dreams are so exact thats it really starting to make me wonder if im "pyshcic". Can this be a quality i can use to tell people when somethine is going to happen? Like, for instance i had a dream of the earthquake yesterday on monday, but i though nothing of it. Could i have warned people about it? And yes, this is a serious question




  1. You should not lose sight of the fact that there is such a thing as coincidence, which is a far more common occurrence than most people think.

    It is now scientifically established that what we perceive as dreams is just the brain doing its filing, sorting out and storing recent and earlier sensory memories. Sigmund Freud might have been a great psycho-analyst, but he was wrong, to a certain extent, about dreams.

    Therefore: Dreams are essentially meaningless. Dreams do not predict the future.  

  2. I wouldn't worry about it too much my dads a physcologist and he deals with this all the time. I recommend waiting for a week and see what happens, if the dreams continue then see your doctor but make sure your relaxed otherwise he'll think your crazy lol jj

  3. well, that's ur choice. if u think ur dreams are real, then go ahead and warn them. i personally think that people can tell the future in their dreams. just decide if telling ppl is worth getting called crazy if ur dreams turn out to be just dreams or if getting called a prophet if they turn out to be true. lol. someone i know had a realistic dream about a huge tragedy, even an exact date and i believe her. so just saying, be careful on the 26th of october, just to be on the safe side. oh yea (got sidetracked for a second there) so its ur choice, good luck.  

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