
What Can We Do As American People To Turn This Negative Situation Around?

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It is not enough just to go out and vote for your canditate of choice. Something has to be done to turn this economy around. You know the saying the rich keep getting richer, the poor keep getting poorer and we that use to be middle class are now bordering on poverty. Okay so maybe not quite as bad as that. We work hard as American people, we sacrifice alot in this country just to have roofs over our heads. We have to do something...........I just wish I knew what! Our government I am afraid is forgetting us. They take and take and take from us. They are making unbeleivable amounts of money and our pockets are practically empty.




  1. Might start by doing away with fat U.S. Senate pensions and medical care, and let them get along on social security and medicare just like everyone else.  

    Think you might get them to vote for that?

  2. The government isn't making unbelieveable amounts of money, the no bid contractors and multinational companies who are REALLY running the government are what's taking from us taxpayers.  

    NOTHING is going to change until society changes.  It's just going to keep going on as long as people need to have their flat screen tvs, ipods, laptops, luxury cars, designer clothes etc.  I guess when people change their priorities and realize what's REALLY important, it's only going to get worse.

  3. Second what Max50 said.

  4. As Americans we need to take resposibility for it, not just blame government, blame ourselves as well. Stop political correctness which costs millions. Get more involved with our country and stand by our country.

  5. Well we can start by getting the greedy oil owning republicans out of the White House. They don't give a sh*t about us. Not to mention how much GWB's war has cost us all. It's hard to say how we will recover from that.

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    (102 results)

  7. I'm with you, but like you I have no idea of what we can do.

  8. Well, by all means, vote for Obama.

    He'll take even more money away from you in taxes (no matter what lies he says now), not drill for oil in our own country, and make us targets for every terrorist out there.

  9. The answer is so simple but so many can't see it.

    Our politicians took bribe/lobby/campaign contributions to rewrite our laws and have been doing this for about 50 years now.

    In short our politicians got paid to do this by big money.

    They knew the money was dirty and that they were corkscrewing us and they took the dirty money and screwed us anyway.

    Now just look at the sorry state we are in now.

    Try to blame anyone else you wish but if the politicians had not taken the bribes and not rewritten the laws none of this would be happening because most of it used to be illegal!

    America needs to wake up and smell the smoke!

    We have hired arsonists to be our firemen!  They got paid to burn the house down with us inside! All the while telling us lies and continuing to s***w us at will as long there was money in it for them.

    We should NEVER again vote for ANY D or R!

  10. Start preparing your bunker & make sure you have lots of supplies!

  11. As an Englishman that in the recent years has become more anti American ,I was interested in your question and wish to try to answer it without sounding too prejudiced.  America spends a huge amount of its wealth on its military. There are American bases in more countries than can be named. Britain,Germany, Turkey,Japan, etc. Americans complain about the high price of gas (In England it is well over S10 a gallon) yet still buy monster gas drinking cars. Virtually everything for sale in the Mall is made in China yet if the Chinese wish to spend dollars on say buying an American company in the same way as the Americans purchase a Taiwanese company they are prevented from doing so. Everything from refrigerators to washing machines are twice the size of their European equivalent. Nearly every American i have ever met are nice,caring,genuine people so how is it that they manage to usually end up with folk like Bush 1 and 2, Ronald Regan,Tricky Dicky etc who are only interested in ensuring the rich and the poor stay in their respective places. Baffled European.

  12. war

    beacause in the end there can only be just one

    "duncan macleod"

  13. The easiest way to turn a negative situation around is to be positive.

    Turn off the TV and talk radio. The media, wether liberal or conservative, makes their money by depressing you.

    A lot of rich people have found that all the cars and McMansions don't bring happiness. Happiness comes from peace of mind.

    Our society is geared to consumerism, but you don't have to buy into it. I've lived in the same house for 25 years. There's no problem with my mortgage. I drive a 10 year old car. No car note for me. I don't use a credit or debit card, so I have no debt. My children graduated from college without student loans because I saved when they were young and they worked summers and part time to help. And no, I'm not rich. My wife and I never had a combined income over 80 k.

    Throughout most of history taxation was much worse. The tax collector showed up with a few soldiers and just took what they wanted. Take a little personal responsibility for your life.

  14. we need to change our mindset of over-consumption, and greed. that is what has gotten us into this mess, not the government. we all moved to the suburbs b/c we could get a bigger house, drive suv's because we have the impression that it is a status symbol, and constantly throw money away on more and more "stuff". I think that it is time we woke up and changed our wasteful ways, but we won't. I am only hoping that some good will come from this, like a true alternative fuel source, and some control on our excessive ways.

  15. We can become more responible for our own money.

    1) Live with in our means.

    2) Burn the credit cards and start saving up inorder to buy things rather going in debt for ever toy.

    When people are willing to stand in line for hours just for a cell phone maybe that time should be spent in learning how to invest our money and get off the idea that the government shoud do it all for us.

    If we work more on disciplining our children vice trying to be their buddy crime would drop.

    In short start with the person in the mirror.

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