
What Can i do to help my cat feel better?

by  |  earlier

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My cat just turned 5 years old about 2 weeks ago, and her ears are warm and so is her nose, so I was wondering if someone knows how to help cats feel better (for example: do i put her in a dark quite spot like in a closet with the door open a crack?)Please help!!! Please try and list some things that will help her feel better?! Besides taking her to the vet... All Answers will be Appreciated!!! Thanks and have a great day!




  1. Get her some kitty toys some furry ones that resemble a mouse (my cat like those kind the best)

    Get her some cat nip (But only half of cats will react to it)

    good luck!

  2. A cat is healthy if it's nose is moist. Feel its nose and if it is dry then you should take your cat to the vet. If you know it is healthy then try singing to it.

    I usually sing 50 Cent or P Diddy to my cat and he digs it.


  3. 1. pet her allot

    2. give her cat snacks, my cats loved those things! :)

    3. Make sure she always has cold fresh water to drink!

    hope that helped a little.

  4. Your question doesn't make sense. How do you know she's not feeling well? How "hot" are here ears and nose? Abnormallly hot or just hot? If she is sick sick then nothing you can do will make her feel better - she will need to see a vet (playing with someone that has the flu isn't going to make them feel better, it will make the flu worse). So you need to determine WHY your cat isn't feeling well. Is she bored, is she sick, is she even not feeling well? Whe is she doing to indicate she is not feeling well? Give more details please. What have you tried already? What has not worked? Etc.

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