
What Car is Gas to go and Electric to cruise?

by  |  earlier

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I need the name of the car, like "hybrid" etc. and an example of one would be nice. Not something that you would plug in to charge. In case of going long distances and not being able to stop and charge.




  1. Hybrids

  2. It's the other way around. It's electric to go and gas to cruise.

    Gas engines are very inefficient at low speeds. Electric propulsion provides better acceleration at low speeds, nad gas combustion provides good fuel economy at high speeds.

  3. Hybrids would be the correct term.  A good example of a hybrid is the Chevy Tahoe.

  4. What you speak of doesn't exist.  

    Hybrids use the Electric Motor to assist the Gas Engine, they cannot "cruise" on electric alone.   The Electric Motor is only used for prevent the Gas from idling unnessecarily when stopped and to "boost" the little motor for passing/merging.  Full Hybrids will also use the electric motor to accelerate the car from a stop to 10-20 mph if you have light foot before the Gas Engine kicks in.

    I'm assuming you're using the accepted term "cruising" to mean "maintaining a constant speed"...which no hybrid does with Electric alone.

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