
What Change? Besides what we will have left in our pockets?

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I know Barrack Hussein said he would change America but I can't recall if he has said how. Besides the so called tax cuts

Can one person explain Obama's BIG plan for CHANGE?




  1. i have been doing some research and i think i am now convinced obama is the antichrist. now, if you know about this stuff and are confident you are going to heaven, the only good he will be bringing will be starting the timeline  for our savior to

  2. We change back to good ole' Liberal establishment policies and taxes. That is why Obama picked Biden.  

  3. easy, his plan is to take your hard earned money and to send it to 3rd world countries to solve their poverty problem, then he will take more of your hard earned money to give to those who expect the government to solve all their problems, then he will take more of your hard earned money and set up a socialist health care program, that will of coarse fail miserably (just ask the Canadians), then he will take more of your hard earned money so the govt can take away everyone's guns, then your hard earned money will be spent on 14 year olds abortions at the free clinic,  so yeah, the change will be what's left in your pocket, and good luck trying to raise your family on that!!!

  4. I think for one thing, the world will not laugh at our president's lack of grammar skills

  5. Watch the speech that he made last night. He laid out many point, and I think enough to satisfy your question. Tax cuts is included, for 95 percent of Americans, and he would eliminate a tax credit to company's that ship jobs oversees, engage in a heavy energy plan that could, and I emphasize could, get us off foreign oil in the next 10 years, although that will be hard. I could talk all I want, but I recommend you watch his speech, at least he has some plan for change.

  6. Time to get a new talking point.

  7. I could tell you but then I would have to k*!! you.  lol  

    I am scared to think of what his change would be!

  8. I can promise change all can president bush...what about the notion of "Change" suggests a positive outcome?  

  9. I'd rather have plans for change than plans for the SAME.

  10. Listen to his speech.

    It addresses all of that.


    Proves you are a Repub, doesn't it?

    PS: McCain is responsible for the death of 100,000 civilian Iraqis. Is he a TERRORIST? YES

  12. he will CHANGE what he is saying and point of view every  90 seconds

    on the same Question  

  13. If you watched Obama's speech, and you are still asking, helping you is above my pay grade.

  14. He didn't ever explain his plans for change.  He also failed to deliver any change.  That's why McCain gave us change.

  15. Tax cuts? He is raising them. His liberal supporters just haven't figured out when you tax corporations, they add the tax back into the price of everything, and you vote yourself a tax raise. But to his credit, he did change his mind about not wanting Washington insiders when he picked Biden

  16. Do your research.   I guess a female from Alaska with five kids is a better choice to run our nation if something happens to McCain.  Weird politics this year.

  17. IF by big change he means putting controls in industry, I am not sure its a change we as a country can afford. As the more you regulate business, the more likely it will leave for another country that does not carry the same regulations. I for one would like to see this plan in writing before I would consider the old slogan having any greater meaning than it has in years past.

    BTW the only changes he can really make are the ones congress allows him to, which means he can promise the moon and deliver nothing.

  18. The only change will be the change from blaming Bush to blaming Obama.

  19. good point about the change in our pockets. That is all that will be left after Obama gives all of our money to people who don't deserve it. Instead of giving money to all of these "government programs" why don't we tell these people to go get a job! I am so sick of working my butt off to have my check taxed so much... and to pay for what random people  who "need" it. well I "need" my money too. I hate Obama! America should be embarased that we even have someone running with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama. I thought we were against terrorists???

  20. for a party that hates lazy people,you sure are one

    if you don't know what his plan is now that's just ignorance in your part.

  21. The One does not owe any explanation to you. The One works in mysterious ways that you'll never understand. Those who question The One will be called heretics and burned at the stake, for The One is omnipotent. He does not need things as trivial as money. The One will bring peace to the world. He will give freedom to all, for The One doesn't bother with things as petty as national defense.

    Are you questioning The One?

    God help us all, Obama and his crowd of mind-numbed peace dude hippies!

  22. You better hang on to the change in your pocket because Obama put down Clinton's GREATEST ECONOMIC EXPANSION IN HISTORY.

    Hillary is not on the ticket, so it won't be happening again.  Not until 2012 when Hillary wins, again.

  23. Do research. Watch his speech, he says exactly how he will change and even goes into specifics.

    Here's the link (just in case you can't even look it up). It has the transcript.

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