
What Channel has your favorite coverage of NASCAR?

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I Like FOX the best but i wanna know what other people think.




  1. fox. boogity boogity boogity boys lets go racin! tnt sucks. they make the races sooo boring and they just suck! espn and abc is ok and speed is pretty cool.

  2. TNT then ESPN.  I miss Wallys World though.

  3. FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. DW is in love with Carl Edwards.  I'm sorry but that man can't stop talking about Carl Edwards and who Carl's favorite band is, where he went on vacation, what he ate for dinner last night, the funniest thing he said that day, how cool he is, etc.  And as far as Tim Brewer (sp?) in that tech center . . . that man puts me to sleep. . They need to find him a new job.  I don't like any TV coverage cuz half the time the ticker is wrong, they don't have the right camera angle, they focus on their personal favorite drivers and don't talk about what is going on throughout the whole race, and they don't always say what cautions are for.  Lastly, to play a fun game, when you are listening to the Rusty, Larry, and Dr. Punch crew, count how many times they say somewhere in a sentence, "I'll tell you what. . "  It's a great drinking game.  You'll be wasted before the race is half over.

  5. Fox is the best, TNT is pretty good, and ESPN/ABC are horrible.

  6. Fox is my favorite.

  7. I don't really have a favourite between SPEED, FOX, ESPN, ABC, TNT.

    Each has their strengths and weaknessess.

  8. FOX & SPEED! Hands-down, no comparison. I'll tell you the one I'm NOT looking forward to, and that's ESPN. For a SPORTS network, they sure know how to s***w things up! I love Rusty Wallace to death, but for the love of God, please take that man out of the booth! DROP THE MIC AND STEP AWAY FROM THE CAMERA, BUDDY!

  9. Fox by far TNT is ok Espn/ABC should take some hints and get with much graphics ruin the picture

  10. Fox then Speed then TNT and ESPN tie

  11. Defintely Fox 5, i don't like TNT at all!

  12. FOX is the best!

  13. FOX is the best. TNT is Horrible. and ABC is a bunch of old timers who whine and complain.

  14. FOX

  15. I love FOX best. TNT sucks!

  16. fox by far  Mike, Larry & Darrell

  17. SPEEDTV overall, with FOX on racedays.

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