
What Charges would a minor get for selling 2 grams of weed and getting caught?

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What Charges would a minor get for selling 2 grams of weed and getting caught?




  1. They would get the same charges as a Adult would get. What do you think cause you are a kid you do not get charged like a adult for things?

    The charges would likely be possession

    Possession with intent to distribute if you got caught in the sale or sold to a cop or informant.

    As far as what your punishment will be well that is where being a kid comes into play.

    Is this your first time arrested? If so you can likely get probation community service and some drug program.

    If you have any sense you will run not walk to the nearest drug treatment (usually ran by the local health department) and get into counseling NOW,

    Than go get the lawyer and let them know you have checked in to treatment. Also be sure you are either in school and going and doing well or in GED classes or something educational.

    Judges like when you come in and show you are serious about doing the right thing.

    Most importantly though man leave that mess alone

    It is a dead end road. You keep running with those types and doing that c**p you will go to jail and Do not even think they will not put you in jail because you are a kid. There are Lots of kids in jail.

    Take this as a warning and get your life together get new friends cause obviously those jerks you are hanging with are not about c**p and who needs that in their life?


  2. Possession, or maybe just a warning.I don't know, I've never been caught :P

  3. They would be charged with Simple possession and intent to deliver and sale. A juveniles first offense may get fined, probation, and community service. If you were in a vehicle and the officer found empty baggies, after finding marjunina in the same type of baggie. They would be charged with maintaining a drug vehicle and intent to deliver & sale, with simple possession. They would lose that vehicle as well.

  4. 60 days in the electric chair

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