
What Chemical Do I Spray On A Ginger Bread House To Keep Ants Away??

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I have a giner bread house thing, whats that chemical you spray to keep ants away, is it hairspary??




  1. Why are you making a gingerbread house in the middle of august?

  2. Nothing if you plan to eat it

  3. a circle of chalk, it's weird but ants won't pass a chalk line.

  4. If you don't plan on eating it spray away with anything. If you plan on nibbling a bit use cinnamon, ants hate that spice and will stay away and it won't be as poisonous as the sprays. Merry August Xmas!

  5. Polyurethane.  It will seal it up completely.  Don't forget to spray the bottom. I made some for X-Mas gifts one year and all the recipients did it.

    DON'T do this if there are children

  6. Hairspray would attract bugs, why not just spray it with bug repellent! As long as you don't plan on eating it that is!  

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