
What Chinese province has those cool mountains?

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The really steep, green, mist shrouded ones. Sometimes you see them next to water...

If there are more than one province that has them, then give me the best one.




  1. i think you are referring to the limestone formations, no?  If that's what you are looking for, then you definitely want to go Guilin and Yangshuo in Guangxi province.  You can take a cruise on the Li River (which is probably the "water" you mentioned).  Very picturesque!

  2. Shichuan is the best choice.

    I'm from Shichuan.  Althought Shichuan happend earth quake  May 12, all of the scenic spots  reopened last month.  Shichuan is a basin in geography,many mountains around Chendu where is  Shichuan's capitcal.  There is panda's hometown and many delicious food.  Chendu is  the most leisure city and best for live.  

    I recommend 2 spots for you.

    1st: Nine Gorgeous(九寨沟) is located north of Shichuan.

    2nd: Emei Mountain(峨眉山) is located SW of Shichuan.

    Emei Mountain is 3977m height and hundreds of temples from foot to top. Augest or Sep. is very good. It often snows at the top after Oct. you can see diversity season,plant at different height.

    If you go up and down by walk  it will take you about 5 days. You can live in temple or hotel.   Bus can reach  near top stop.

  3. i will pay someone to give me the answer to this question!!!!! then i can help this poor clueless soul out.....

  4. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet border, Guangxi, Hunan, Fujian and even Zhejiang.

  5. Sichuan

    They also have some seriously spicy great food.


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