
What Classes are You Taking Next Year?

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Tomorrow is my appointment to sign up for classes as a freshman (yes, I am excited about going to high school, I'm such a nerd, lol). I'm almost 100% sure what classes I'm taking (English, Math, Science, History, etc) but I am torn about PE. I have a choice of taking the class at school, or, what my school calls early out, because I take gymnastics 5 days a week. What classes are you taking this year and what are you most looking forward to?




  1. That's bull that your school lets you get out of taking gym because you do gymnastics.  If other freshman are "required" to take P.E., then you should, too.  But, since you've got the opportunity, don't waste any credits on gym!  Take other things!

    I'm going to be a freshman, also, and I'm taking :


    Advanced Biology

    Advanced Geometry

    Honors English

    Principals of Technology (aka Prince of Techno, and freshmen are required to take it.  Agggh.)


    World History


    & Spanish

  2. I'm going to be a Sophmore and my classes are:

    Honors Algebra 2




    Child Development

    PE (Team Sports)

    Have fun in high school. =]

  3. im gonna be a junior, and im taking:


    ib english 11

    ib chem 12

    ib bio 11

    ib math 12

    ib french 11

    ib history 11

    im most looking forward to math because im good at it, but im definitely not looking forward to french. :[

  4. Math





    I am looking foreward to Drama, that class is fun. I am a Junior

  5. take the early out!! helloo! you get to leave early, why take any extra class?

  6. oooohh.....

    im taking fashion..

    and I have all honor classes.....pretty proud of myself...

    b/c i had to leave at the end of the year for maternity reasons...aha

    im looking forward to this school year period.....=P

  7. we dont get to choose =[

    sorry. i kinda like pe tho.

    and i have cheerleading practice, tumbling, and soccer practice.

    its the only class you get to hang out with friends and talk

    other than lunch, which isnt really a

  8. I'm taking a bunch of sophomore classes.

    I'm not excited at all, I hate school.

  9. Honors Biology II

    Honors English II

    Honors US History I

    Honors Geometry

    Honors College Algebra

    Journalism I

    Italian II


  10. I'll be a sophomore this year.  

    I'm taking:

    honors English

    honors Civics & Economics

    honors Biology

    honors Geometry

    honors Alg. 2

    Tech. Theater I

    Theater II

    Accounting I

  11. algebra 1. honors english. civics(s.s.) umm computer applications 1 and 2 drama oh music theory and biology

  12. math (11) the sped version

    engligh 11

    us history/government

    chem/chem lab




    then for electives i put down a couple but im not sure what ill be given:


    human rel II

    early childhood development


    im looking forward to no more global history and the electives i picked. i cant remember the rest though

  13. i'm taking:


    AP algebra II

    english (not sure which one)

    history (not sure which one)

    latin III



    im excited about taking chorus because i love to sing and we get to go to 6flags at the end of the year =)

  14. I'll be a Freshman...


    Earth/Space Science

    World History (I think that's what it's called)



    Jazz Band


    I think I'm going top change Jazz Band to Drama once school starts because I don't have a saxophone yet.

  15. Congrats to all the advanced people. Im just average, I'd die in those classes.

    I took:



    French Immersion

    History and Geography of Canada



    Introduction to Buisness


  16. hey im guna be a freshman too =)

    im taking





    math -honors-


    and i dont remember the rest cuz i picked them a while ago...

    im most looking forward to art and literature because i love to write poems and draw.

    hope you have a good year!

  17. This is all ultra-tenative, and extremely subject to change but:

    First semester:

    -two physics classes

    -calculus 3

    -a sociology class for my forensic science minor

    -a writing class

    second semester:

    -probably 2 more physics classes (guess my major!)

    -a chem course for forensic science minor?

    -a sociology course for the forensic science minor?

    -another class that involves writing

    -a 1-credit PE class - self-defense, or swing dancing, or karate, or something like that.

  18. i am looking forward to:

    honors pre-calculus (i'm good at math)

    american history

    honors french 5-6

    i'm dreading going to:



    indifferent to:

    engineering (no idea what that is)

    going to be a junior. meh.

  19. ohhh. i'm going to be a freshman too!

    i am so excited, but i'm also kind of dreading it.

    i'm taking:



    Physical Science


    Social Studies [World History]


    & Intro To Digital Publications [Yearbook]

    I'm most looking forward to Yearbook. It's going to be so much fun!

    All my classes are regular though, no honors. I would never be able to handle those, except for english.

  20. I'm taking as a Junior:

    AP English

    AP Government



    Spanish III

    Health (required)

    Technology (required)

    Nerds unite!!!

    I'm most looking forward to Chemistry, and Calculus.

    Math and science are my thing!

  21. well its a good thing i just graduated. :]

    but some advice,

    DO NOT slip up, if you let your GPA down the freshman and sophmore year it is SO SO SO hard to get it back up to par.

    always go to school, and turn in everything, your grades will show.

    and if you are scared of reports and such, so was i, actually i was SO scared. But i was an FFA officer and it really helped me overcome that fear, and by 11th grade and 12th, no one could shut me up.

    and remember, those 4 years go by SUPER fast.

    so put on your seat belt on hold on.


    good luck.

  22. I am taking:

    Advanced Geometry

    Business Math

    Current Affairs

    World Cultures 12

    English 12


    Phys Ed (5 days a week for the whole year)


    Methods of Cooking

    Career Planning

    Public Speaking

    I am looking forward to taking Methods of Cooking, Current Affairs and Health. It is my 12th grade year. I am not so excited about public speaking. I hate being in front of people.

  23. For first semester, I'm taking:


    Phys science

    fashion. (:!

    Geometry. ):



    and Juniors English. (I'm a sophomore.)

    Second semester, I'm going to be taking:

    Health (replacement of p.e.)

    Drivers E.D.! (I'll probably run someone over. =/)

    Phys science





    and photography.

    and I'm really looking foward to it!

    I miss my friends and i feel dumb since i haven't

    been in school.

  24. im taking

    AP Music Theory

    AP Literature and Composition

    AP US History

    Honors Pre-Calculus



    French IV

    and im looking forward to the AP History the most.

  25. i'm gonna be a freshman too!

    biology, algrbra 1, spanish 2, english, faith, hebrew script., world history, health & fitness, and creative dance

    im most excited about spanish 2 haha

    btw, we're required to take hebrew  bc it's a private catholic school, it wastn a choice

  26. I am going to be a junior this year and I am taking.....

    IB English 11

    IB American History

    IB Math Methods

    IB Spanish (Spanish 5)

    IB Chemistry Year 1

    IB Physics

    Intro to Psychology

    Public Speaking


    I am most looking forward to psychology and physics because they have interested me in the past and I wanted to learn more about those topics.

    Edit: Forgot about PE

  27. college algebra half the year

    trigonometry half the year

    honors english 2 half the year

    honors history half the year

    honors biology 2 half the year

    p.e. half the year

    microsoft word/excel the whole year

    spanish 2 the whole year (wanted to take honors, but couldn't because i didn't want p.e. the whole year. our schedules were weird)

    the half the year ones will match up with eachother, like i'll have college al the first half, and trig the second, but i didn't get my schedule yet, so i don't know what i'm taking the first half, second half, etc.

  28. AP English Lit and Comp

    AP US History

    Accelerated math, algebra II and pre-calc



    Piano (I forgot about it before, I have private lessons so I didn't include them as school.)

    I'm most looking forward to history and math; you're not the only nerd.

    I'll be a junior. I muck around with computers for fun and sometimes my parents hassle me in to going to karate, which I'm not very fond of.

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