
What Coat is This?? please help?

by Guest59693  |  earlier

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ok i remember a few months back we went to look at some horses and we saw one that we wanted but he was a stallion (not for sale) ..the owner told us what coat color the stallion had but we forgot..he was like a gray and at his butt it would be kinda purplish glow..

it was NOT a blue roan for sure..

i know this coat is super super rare..and if you know what coat im talking about please let me know! :)





  1. Was it a gurllo - they are generally a smoky black / blue colour.  They are also know as black duns - they can be varying shads from light to dark.

  2. It might be a Grulla.

  3. Rose gray?

    Lilac dun?

    Smoky cream?

    Black roan?

    Edit:  Hadn't thought of Grulla, but here's a pic of that too since nobody else provided one:

  4. More details?

    Gray colors include:

    Blue Roan - any amount of black hairs scattered with white hairs can make this from and overall blue cast to a mottled blue in the event of un-even scattering of hairs.

    Grulla - usually a steel gray with or without dun factoring.  Dun designates a dorsal stripe (along the spine from mane to tail) with black mane and tail and black legs - usually accompanied by black edges on the ears and a darker muzzle - even sometimes including strips (horizontally) at the top of the legs.

    Flea bitten is usually a predominantly white horse with little bunches of darker hairs all over the body.

    Then there's dappled - which is a grayish coat with white circular patterns.

    Continental horses have often some sort of roan overall body types with solid heads and sometimes butts.  Hancock bloodlines are often of the grayish or roanish types.

    Looking forward to the answers, never heard of a "purplish glow" on a gray horses' butt.

  5. No, I don't think it was a Grulla.  The mare in the stall next to my gelding is a grulla and I would describe her color as more "mouse brown" than lilac or purplish.

    Another clue is use of the word "glow" -- grullas and duns tend to be a bit dull and not have tons of metallic in their coats.

    My vote is for a Classic Champagne.

    Classic Champagnes are Black horses diluted by the Champagne gene. From "Classic is the rarest, and perhaps the most exotic, of the Champagne colors.  Its exotic beauty will speak for itself.  It's considered difficult to photograph accurately, and has even been described as "lilac"; in fact, this is one color that has been called "lilac dun" in the past."

    Eye color (champagne eyes are a golden/amberish color) and skin color (freckles around eyes/mouth and purplish/pink skin) would settle the argument and determine he was a Classic Champagne.  

    Of course, if there was a dorsal stripe and all black points (legs+mane+tail) then it was indeed a lilac dun! ;)

    Here is some good info on champagnes:

  6. Would it be Grulla?

  7. grulla.

    it almost looks like a black horse that is body clipped?

    and the purple glow makes grulla pop into my mind immediatly

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