
What College should I play at?

by  |  earlier

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Also, I don't have the greatest GPA though.




  1. I have a friend who went to lipscomp and a friend who went to middle tennessee state both division one schools. The one going to lipscomb, consistantly made it to the state competition, and shot at or around par. The same goes for the middle tennessee golfer. If you are consistantly going to your state tournament and you have been competing at a high level in PGA junior events, you definitely have a ligitiment shot at going Division one. Granted you are no Tiger Woods, and will probably not go to Stanford. You could definately go to a smaller Division one school. Who knows maybe a bigger school. Try to contact some schools that you are interested in and ask there qualifacations and tell them your scores. All they can do is say they aren't interested, and this may give you a better gauge on which colleges are looking for a player such as yourself.

  2. check out your local community colleges and work on improving your GPA. Big colleges might turn you down due to a low GPA. good luck

  3. Before you put your soul into playing for a particular college you had better improve your GPA higher than the minimum requirement or you won't be welcomed to any. So the recommendation to you is start now and study like you have never done before. Know your subjects cold. Cram for the highest mark for your ability or kiss college " Good Bye!!"

  4. go to Stanford, thats where Tiger played

  5. i agree with the guy above me. with those scores it is doubtful that you will get a scholarship, so it is really what you can afford. who knows? maybe next year you'll tear it up an earn a scholarship. i know because i go to school near Palm Desert and La quinta and their backups average 41 in 9 holes, but only like 2 or 3 get scholarships to D1 schools.

  6. With those scores and a low GPA it is not a matter of which college you choose, but rather which one will accept you.  Apply and see who will take you.

  7. Check out the University of Mississippi. They always have a competitive golf team.

  8. You need to get a lot more consistent to play at any D1 school down south. Otherwise look at DII.

  9. Rollins College - great golf program

    I'm going there next year :)

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