
What Could Be The Matter With My Friend?

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My friend at work is 24 years old. When she says hi to someone, she stares at them for the longest time after they've already said hello and when they turn back to look at her and see why she's still staring she starts laughing and clapping her hands and saying their name (as if the person had done something funny). She can't tell right from left, and she says one thing to you and five minutes later she says it again (I don't think she forgets she said it, she just thinks its entertaining to say it again). She also apologizes for everything (but she is not shy). She also seems to be clueless about grooming herself, she dresses well, but always has armpit hair, upper lip hair, untweezed eyebrows and doesn't wash her hair much. I don't think she is mentally challenged, she speaks normally, drives and can do simple math. She also has the memory of an elephant, she remembers stuff I told her like three years ago. She is a very sweet person and never talks about anyone maliciously, it's like she is very innocent and childlike, like she doesn't have a mind of her own and does whatever her parents tell her to do. I think she's a great person, but everyone at work wonders what could be the matter with her. What could it be?




  1. i would think she's just had a very sheltered life from her parents and doesn't have many people skills. i knew a girl that seems to fit your description to the T...and she just didn't know how to interact with people. somewhere along the line she may have thought some of the things she does, is what people find entertaining or interesting or funny, so she keeps doing them, she thinks it makes her accepted. maybe become a closer friend and try talking to her...ask her why she does the things she does, in a kind way, of course. and maybe tell her another way of going about it. she may really appreciate that!

  2. I'd say she's either mentally challenged, or on drugs.

  3. she may be mentally retarded (slightly) I have a friend like that too. She has to be told to take a bath and she doesnt have a mind of her own either. My friend went to the doctor and thats what they said about her.. just love her for who she is... shes special!!

  4. She sounds like she has some sort of an emotional disorder.  She might be slightly mentally challenged.  Many mildly mentally disabled adults can drive a car and perform simple math and speak without a lisp. Unless she is on drugs, it is not normal for her to stare and then behave the way that she does.  Being that she can't tell left from right and forgets things 5 minutes later that you told her, points to a definite learning disability or slight mental disability.  Also the grooming problems and not realizing about her facial and body hair, point this out.  I am glad that you are her friend because she needs one.  You might try to help her out if she will let you and offer tactful pointers about bathing, grooming, and ways that she can perform her job better.  

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