
What Could Have Happened???

by  |  earlier

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My period is due early next week, but I had a free pregnancy test I got with my order of preseed from I hate having tests in the house because then I obsess over using them. So I decided I would use it yesterday for fun and get rid of it. at first it was negative, but around the 3-4 min mark it was definitely a positive...not quite as dark as the control...but definitely positive. I showed my hubby and said I would test again later to confirm it. I waited like 4 hours without peeing and tested again (even though the first one was only like an hour after my last pee) and it was a negative (used first response) then I tool the other test this morning and it was negative. I'm starting to get some cramping like I usually do before my period. Why would I have gotten a false positive? Please no "a line is a line" or "congrats your pregnant" because I'm almost positive now that I'm not. It was just such a let down.




  1. I don't think you are pregnant. You said it was a free test. Sometimes test can have a false posititve, because they aren't made well.  I hope everything turns out the way you want.

  2. maybe the secretion of a hormone increased(HCG or human chorionic gonadotropic hormone)

  3. The test is only accurate after a couple minutes. If you vvait longer then that then the result could be vvrong.

  4. I have to say that I HATE the waiting game that goes along with the simple question are you pregnant or not. I think for some people it is cut and dry, They miss there period the next day they pee on the stick and then bam are pregnant.  Others just have to wait up to two weeks or more sometimes just to see it on the stick.  I would say to you wait until you miss your period.  Then take a test.  Make a mental note if you have a period that is not normal to what your used to getting.  If you miss it take a test.  If it is still negative you can join the waiting club and wait a week and try it again.  If you start to feel like you are showing signs of pregnancy and your still testing negative go see your ob.

  5. i'm like you if there is a test in the house i'm taking it.  i hate the line test they are so hard to read.  if i were you and have not started my period by tomorrow then i would go ahead and buy the clear blue easy digital.  they are well worth the money and very straight forward.  if your husband has a low sperm count or if the sperm are not moving as fast as they should then along with preseed you should buy some instead cups because they will keep the sperm in after ejaculation.  good luck to you and your husband

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