
What Could Have Happened to the Pedophile?

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i was thinking about this for a long time. please dont judge me. when i was 14, i had a "boyfriend" who was 22. at the time of course i didnt know better and just liked the attention. i thought it was cool to have an older and cute boyfriend. we never had s*x (surprise surprise lol) though. i heard a lot of rumors that he would frequently date girls that were my age and even younger than me (11, 12).

i never said anything at the time and since forgot about him. all i know is his first name and what he looked like at the time. i dont know if he still lives in the area or not. the only reason i thought of him is because i was watching a show about pedophile predators and it triggered me to think about him.

i feel really badly that maybe he hasnt gotten caught and is still dating girls my age. a lot of people knew about it but he was still doing it. as far as i know, he didnt forcibly rape anyone but still "dated" 11 and 12 year olds

i just needed to let that out. what do u think?




  1. thats really disgusting and scary, im really glad you came forth and told everyone the truth.  If you ever remember his last name you need to report him to the police because he may have done something.  

    But, thank you for telling.

  2. well, technically a pedophile is someone who has an interest in children under the age of puberty, generally meaning 12 or under.

    But there was definitely something wrong with him. That's just not normal. Thank goodness you didn't get hurt!

    Is it possible he was a little mentally slow?

  3. I think that guy is a sick b*****d.

    Honey, I wouldn't judge you because you were 14 and for real I know what it's like to be flattered by an older guy's attention.

    But I know something is wrong that some guy who is so much older is into Really young girls. And I know to wonder why doesn't he want to be in relationships with women more near his age where they are on the same level and can do whatever they want to and have a normal relationship..?

    When you get it that they want you for one thing and it's not your personality or conversation, than you can see these older creeps for what they are real easy.

    It doesn't have to be force. He is playing these girls' vulnerability and taking advantage of them and to me that's still rape.

    Edit: as for what could have happened to him, most likely nothing. He probably has gone nowhere with his life and he may still be getting with young girls unless he was arrested and charged with statutory or morals.

    Sometimes the police find out about people like this and they don't have a case but they will have a talk with him. It's usually persuasive.

  4. Well first of all he wasnt a pedophile, only legally so, a pedophile is turned off if the hormones start to "ravage" the body.

    At 22 Iam not sure, depends on the law somestates there is a buffer zone meaning it ain rape if ure like 16 and he was like 19 I suppose he might have gotten out lightly if no forcibly rape was invovled.

  5. 14 year olds are legal where I live. The age of consent was raised by a year only a few years ago.

    I don't really count someone as a pedophile for a relationship with someone over the age of twelve.

    Creepy though?


  6. I think it's only natural that you would wonder about him.  I wouldn't go looking for might regret it.  

    Also, if you do search for him....hopefully you will find him in jail and not able to hurt any children at all!

  7. He could have been one of those guys in Dateline NBC.

  8. Gee he must have been a really bad person for forcing a non-sexual relationship on you.

    You make a really good feminist. You have that hysteria going down pat and the belief in gossip.

  9. If you can get a hold of anyone who may know his full info I would turn him in. It sounds like he has a problem. Just think about it. What would you do if it was your daughter in that situation?

  10. You don't say how old you are. Once upon a time, people didn't look as askance at this as they do now.

    I had a 14-year-old friend in high school who had a 22-year-old boyfriend, with her mother's knowledge. (Though her mother probably didn't know they were having s*x.) It was a little unusual, but it didn't set off the alarms it does now. I think it's a good thing that these relationships are taboo nowadays.

  11. He wouldn't be psychologically considered peadophillic unless the girls were under 12 and looked it, but he is quite possibly taking advantage of them and it is a disturbing age difference. However, he may have moved on since now - you'd have to try to find him and find out before you decide what to do.

  12. i think pedophiles are disgusting...

    they always try to take advantage of those who are more naive than them...

    its not ur fault tho, but im sure u already know that...

    it does really suck that u cant find him and expose him...

    why dont u try looking tho, u might find him...

    i almost got raped by a pedophile once when i was 14 too (im 16 now)...

    it all came back to me when i watched "prom night" a few weeks was really traumatizing, my whole body just felt like it was this one still rock, i couldnt move, all that i could do was cry..(at the movie, not when i was almost raped)

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