
**What Could This Dream Mean.*?? I Remember It Well, But It's So Weird And I dont Understand It >.>

by  |  earlier

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Okay well I had a dream, or rather three, that were different but at the same time kind of meshed together..

now, this is going to be a long one since I remember alot of detail but I'll try to summarize as much as I can

it starts out with this guy, he's a few years younger then me, about 14-15 (I'm 17.06)

anyway, hes actually kinda cute in a little sort of way, he happens to be staying with somone close by and leaving to go back to Alberta later that day

but doesn't want to wait around where he's staying so we hang out till he has to leave (altohugh normally I'de never hang out with anyone younger then 16-17 >.>)

we made a plan that I should/have to go down and visit him in Alberta sometime and were having a good time, (I actually WAS planning in my dream to really go visit too although thats impossible XD)

but so when he leaves I find out a little later that they're having car troubles, and my dad and uncle have gone to go help fix there vehicle for them.




  1. it means nothing its just a dream!

  2. I tried looking for the next dream that you said you would post, but only found a relisting of this dream. Regardless of how long it is, sometimes dreams make more sense when you post them together-- as they seem to resolve themselves or bring themselves together.

    Okay, so this kid is not anyone you know, so that means he's representing something in yourself-- or some one else (more likely the first option since you don't hang out with guys younger than that.)

    So something is wrong with his car.  I've seen over and over again that cars represent where you're going in life, but I've also seen that it can represent sorta your path in life-- how you get there (the trips, the steps...) Something is wrong with his car and your dad and uncle are trying to fix it.  You see them as mechanical guys (maybe with the real cars or maybe figurative "let me give you advice for your life" sort of guys.)

    While he's waiting for them, he's wandering aimlessly-- stuck in one place-- really stuck, like a cd that skips in the same spot, he's going round and round your bedroom window (which might help you identify what this guy represents.)

    You're ready to say goodbye, and keep saying goodbye, but he keeps going round and round, looking dead. This really drives home that you're dealing with a dead issue-- or one that you'd like to be peacefully resolved about, but isn't letting go.

    So here's what I think is going on. There's some issue--something happened when you were 14 or 15 and you feel you're ready to move on.  It's past you--it'd be nice to visit from time to time, but for some reason, the visit won't end. (Like perhaps you've put it behind you, but something has occured recently to get you thinking about it, even subconsciously.) And it's not a big, bad scary thing, but kinda like a oh, that's nice-- okay that's cool, sort of resolved thing.  But you feel stuck with it.  While that's not upsetting, you can see it's dead and wonder why it's still hanging about.  (I know that sounds weird, but it's your dream, not mine! And you know best how this applies to you!)

    I think you may have resolved this or have explored this issue more in one of your other dreams.

    So send me the next dream and I'll pick it up from there.  Until then... Blessings!

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