
What Countries Invaded Ireland?

by Guest62662  |  earlier

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What other countries, besides England and the Vikings from Scandinavia, invaded Ireland throughout it's history? I'm curious because my father's family is from Cork, Ireland (he was born there), and my Mother also has Scotch-Irish on her Father's side and her Mother was from Norway. I'm asking because I swear, I do not feel Irish (I look it though- reddish/brown hair, hazel eyes, light freckles on my face, and I'm as pale as the day is long!) lol I have been told by my Father that we might have some Spaniard in us, but when I tried to do the family tree, I couldn't get too far with his family. I do have the Irish temper, craziness and I love to drink, but that's about it. I think the dancing is boring, and I absolutely hate the food and cold weather! I'm the only one in my family who likes spicy foods (especially Indian, Arabic and some Spanish food) and Arab/Spanish music/dancing/language! I'm thinking maybe someone from one of those countries intergrated with my family in Ireland? Were there any large influxes of immigrants from these countries into the County Cobh area at any time? Cuz my Mother's side of the family is pure white- Irish, Scotch and Norwegian only. Any ideas?




  1. The Dutch invaded Ireland in the 1690's.

  2. I live in Ireland and somebody told me recently that the Celts who came to Ireland originated from Galicia in what is now Spain. Don't know if that's true or not though.

    Another story I heard was that there are many 'Mediteranean looking' Irish people (especially in the west of the island) as they are descendants of the surviviors of the Spanish Armada.

    That was an invasion fleet that tried but failed to invade England in 1589. Fleeing back to Spain many ships were wrecked off Ireland's treacherous west coast.

    By the way, the French (and maybe the Spanish) landed armies in Ireland a couple of times to assist Irish rebels against their English overlords but I don't think in any significant numbers that would affect the populations. They got their behinds kicked anyway.  

  3. There are many peoples over the centuries who have either settled traded or otherwise lived on the Island of Ireland.

    The Phoenicians are suspected by some to have traded with Ireland as well as with Cornwall (some have argued that the Arabs may have also traded with the Island - but I'm not so sure)

    The Romans certainly were involved (although they didn't invade, archaeologists have discovered what may be a Roman trading post near modern Dublin).

    The Welsh - St Partick was Romano-British, from the area that became wales - and trade between the two has been going on for centuries.

    The Spanish may also have traded with Ireland - but the story of Armada survivors being responsible for the dark hair and eyes of many Irish people is just a myth - most Spanish shipwrecked were handed over - many were lynched.

    And of course the English.

    And port towns - especially ones like Cork would have populations from all over the world.

  4. It is legendary that sailors from the Spanish Armada, having escaped north from the battle in the Channel, came down the west side in their damaged ships and came ashore in Ireland and stayed there (remember, sailors of the time were often impressed and had no love of country to return to.)

    Otherwise I think you got it.  You may be making too much of genetics for influencing behavior.  "I inherited my grey hair, I got it from my children."

  5. The myth of the Spainish Armada sailors settleing in Ireland that people mentioned is indeed just a myth. However, it may derive from a myth that has some basis in reality. There is an Irish myth that Celt-Iberian invaders from Spain invaded the island around 100BC and brought continental Celtic culture to the island.

    And, indeed, genetic wise, there is a lot of Spanish DNA in the Irish. Recent DNA analysis of Y-Chromosomes show that the Irish are related most to people from Spain and Scandinavia. The Scandinavian obviously comes from the Vikings. But the closest match of all among the Irish is with Basques from Northern Spain.

    Irish legend also holds that the island was invaded early in its history by a people called the Fir Bolg, a people whom it is thought may be Belgians. Then, of course, there are the Vikings. Other than that, the main invaders have been the English. The Normans invaded the island in 1169, the Normans being the rulers of England, but they came from France, and descended from the Vikings.

    The person above me mentioned the Dutch, but they fought for the English during one of the invasion of the country.

    But you may have genes from groups from any area. People move around a lot, and they tend to reproduce where ever they go. I'm sure members of just about every ethnic group have found there way to Ireland, especially if they were pursuing trade or exploration.

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